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thenewgreen  ·  107 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Dear Joe, it’s time to go

With he exception of FOX News, and even they’ve been more anti-trump the past year, every msm outlet has been very much reporting about the dangers of trump since 2016. The difference is, people don’t buy it. The media landscape has changed so much. People have figured out how it works. For example, he mentioned that if he isn’t elected there would be an economic bloodbath (as related to Chinese auto imports particularly) and the MSM just segmented the, “bloodbath,” part. Out of context it is scary stuff. They do this A LoT!

To be clear, the right does this too. Recently Joe Biden looked like he was confused and couldn’t find a chair or that at worse he was defeating in his pants. The right had a field day online with this.

People are disillusioned with the entire system. Our media has failed us. Our candidates are atrocious. Biden is not mentally fit for the job. I don’t care if it, “comes and goes.” Xi, Putin, Netanyahu and other leaders are sharp as a tack. We deserve the same. You couldn’t pay me to vote for Trump or Biden. I don’t think I will ever vote for another RNC or DNC candidate. I’m done. I will work hard to get a third party candidate elected. This cycle and beyond. All else is Stockholm syndrome. The parties are remarkably similar. Both run up the debt to unforgivable levels and rarely mention it as the threat that it is. We need to be rid of Citizens United. We need ranked choice. We need a cap on campaign spending. We need term limits in Congress. We need to dismantle the revolving door between private and public sector. For example, the head of the FDA during Covid is now on Pfizer's board. We are a mess and thinking either party will change that, or even wants to is ridiculous.