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hubskier for: 4473 days
Hey :) Uhm... I haven't published anything for a while. But you could check out for some of my chillout tunes... Nothing new though :/ I'm working on a new album now. Hope it'll be finished later this year :) Can I listen to some of your stuff maybe?
That I say things others might be offended by :/ Also, my toes, chest,teeth, hair, my anxiety etc etc. the list goes on :P
Computer games (In the winter), juggling (In the summer), cardmagic, wine and music-production all year!
I'm 27 now and just started school again. I wanted to finish "high school" so I could start at my local engineering college. My music is going well, and I've found things I really enjoy and want to do. Working out, typography, design, music and math/physics. I can't wait to finish college so I can start earning som proper money and get a nice appartment for myself :) What made me start school again was actually the fact that my fiance of 5 years left me and I got a proper kick in the ass to go do something to get by... I suffer from high anxiety and depression, but this makes me feel A BIT better and hopefully helps me recover and get better with time. I've learned a lot this past year about myself and about life in general. I'm starting to get content. Check out this video on capitalism :)
Well, now I have to become less judgemental too :/ That hit me hard... I'm always seeing the negativity in things. Probably why my ex gf left me :(
Is masturbating killing a person? When does it become a person? Does it have to have a brain? How well developed does it have to be to be called a "person"? I'd rather kill a baby than a whale or a tiger.
I don't think that's very controvertial, but I agree. I used to play some WoW a few years ago, and I wish I hadn't, the game is lame and has NO value at ALL. It just plays on the human mind to be good at something, and you get validation for that all the time in WoW, like new weapons, leveling up etc etc.
Not to sound rude or anything, but I call BS. Babies that are less than 12 months old RARELY string sentances together, and if they do they have no idea what they mean. Even "mama" and "papa" is just sounds to them. Unless he has a really high vocabulary IQ. Babies arent self-aware until 16 months or so. That doesn't mean they can't feel anything, but the baby wouldn't have understood anything if it would have been killed by a needle. And btw. Im not talking about healthy kids here.
Working as an engineer, with good pay and maybe a family to take care of. And I hope I have released at least 6 more albums by then :)
Haha sorry about the smile :P I'm not "that guy", but I just had to put it there because it's so controversial. About your next thought: I'm not really sure, I think that people who are unable to respond to anything in any way might aswell die. A friend of mine just got a kid which looks like quasimodo and has a serious braindamage, why would "we" keep that alive? It's not really beneficial for any part. I also have a relative who is mentally and physically retarded after a diving-accident, he just sits in a chair blinking his eyes. If that was me I'd rather be killed, and I feel that it might have been better if he died in that accident.
Ok, I can't argue with that. One year is probably overkill, but anyway... Abortion should be possible when you know something is SEVERELY wrong with the baby.
Well, they do make a good vegetable.
Sorry, but I know people who are anarchist by heart, but all of them say that it isn't possible. It's just an ideology like communism and capitalism. They don't work, because all people are different. One could argue that there could be places dedicated to people with the same ideologies, but that wouldn't work either, because someone would get a better "lot" on the planet, and people that are very religious would still come to your country and tell you what to think.
I believe that you should be able to "abort" your baby until it's one(x) years old :) If the baby comes out being totally fucked and has no chance of getting a normal life, you should be able to dispose of it in the hospital within it's first year of life. There, I've said it. If this was another site I'd be downvoted to hell and back, but that's what I think is reasonable. The baby isn't iven aware of its existance.
I came here a couple of days ago from reddit. FINALLY found somewhere a little less crowded with less children posting crap. I'm surpriced by how well I like it, but I would like to know more about how to find tags etc...(?)
Making music, working out and making a good meal to someone. Anything that makes others feel good makes me feel good and happy.
No problem mate :) I have lots more too, but I'm not home atm. so I don't remember everyone. <-- All his stuff is here :) I know, too much music! But I need to stop listening to so much and use my time producing music myself instead. When I'm looking for new inspiration, I tend to just continue to listen to music :/
I feel most of the "humor" of reddit is just repetition of old jokes. "You, sir bla bla" "Work of god bla bla" and people tend to comment just to comment. It's not fun anymore. I'm 27 and I've been looking for a new place to use some internet time :) I'm just so so tired of reddit (and facebook).
Looking at trees in Nature. I love looking at the colors and the wind blowing through them :) It makes me feel alive.
I can somehow get by with almost no money.
I play flute, guitar, bass and keyboard. And I'm a producer. I mainly make electronic chillout music so I'm not the most technically advanced instrumentalist, but I get by fine :)