Launched another Kickstarter campaign yesterday. It's for a calendar puzzle that's become pretty popular, you try to make today's date, every day.
My wife and I have been really busy with a bunch of other projects, but we decided to try to get this up for a short campaign so we could deliver by Christmas. Luckily we had some raw footage from earlier in the year when we were thinking about making a video but never did. We managed to put this whole thing together in 3 days, and then we hit our goal in 18 hours. So that was cool!
So for what it's worth, here's our video.
By the way, the opening picture in the video is on Dragon Beach, just a couple hundred meters from our house. We had amazing mother-of-pearl clouds like I've never seen before. The picture is not edited or enhanced at all, that what it really looked like that day!
That's an extremely cool idea for a puzzle.
While you were developing the idea, how could you be certain / prove that every day was solvable?
I'm sorely tempted to do some coding myself tomorrow ;)