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comment by Cumol
Cumol  ·  2097 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: August 15, 2018

I have a question. Can someone explain this epidemic of adderall/vyvanse (and other amphetamine mixes) etc.?

Since when does everyone and their mother have to take amphetamines to function, study for exams, or do anything... I feel like I am missing the point here. Can someone enlighten me?

A friend, whose father is a neurologist, sends his daughters that are at uni monthly packs of Ritalin so they can finish their degrees.

Another friend on facebook, just yesterday, asks if anyone has some Ritalin left at home, she has an exam she needs to study for and is out of it.

This post on reddit I just read about a guy smart-assing his doctor into giving him the prescription of a dextroamphetamine that he wanted, as a booster, because his 40mg Vyvanse was not enough and only lasted 3 hours after he gained tolerance. He also admits that he barely has any ADD but performs better.

Did we reach a point where we need to be performance machines all the time?

kleinbl00  ·  2097 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Speed use in humans goes back to coffee. Cocaine was big in Europe for the same purposes as adderal; after cocaine, methamphetamine became common (just look up "pervitin"). I dated a girl whose grandfather prescribed her father amphetamines to make it through finals... and then thorazine to come down.

After pervitin there was dexedrine. Great for diet, great for mood!

In short, amphetamines have a hundred year history. The only thing meth has that everything else doesn't is social acceptability.

tacocat  ·  2097 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Doctors prescribe speed. People who want speed have an easy avenue thusly. It's about that simple.

Cumol  ·  2097 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I had to think of Requiem for a Dream and the story of the mother that wants to fit into her dress. She goes to the doctor, he gives her speed (I think?). She realizes that she is more efficient. Cleans the house quicker, does chores etc. and is even enjoying it. All the while she is losing weight! Perfect!

The day comes where she finally fits in her old dress... But she also notices she lost her mind.

My memory is hazy but did she get paranoid/psychotic at some point?

tacocat  ·  2097 days ago  ·  link  ·  

She gets a vaguely defined upper.

But really doctors give out speed for reasons including being a child. So theres just a huge amount of kiddie cocaine available. Some kids want money more than drugs they find ineffective. The ease is more complicated than I made it sound but the problem boils down to there just being a shitload of available speed prescribed for a dubiously diagnosed problem

johnnyFive  ·  2097 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Did we reach a point where we need to be performance machines all the time?

Basically, yes. We really only judge worth by grades and then by job.

As someone who takes this stuff due to legit ADHD it kind of bothers me.