1) Alone (after gf heads to work) on Saturday morning with some good French press and my computer, catching up on news. It's a very calm time where I can enjoy Earth's most perfect beverage, and slowly put together an action plan for my day at my leisure, with a bit of time to be as non-productive as I like before go to it. 2) Motorcycle rides up north. Taking a non-highway route through the wooded northern areas of Michigan can't easily be put into words. 3) I was halfway into typing an ode to friendship, but realized how it is the farthest from a 'little thing' to me. Let's just say that I am glad for all of my friendships and family, and I certainly miss the people I don't get to see as often as I'd like.
-[insert child reference here] hugs, kisses, a newly mastered piano piece, a well done report for school, a new skate trick, trampoline flip, painting, or just a smile -mexi-coke (of the cola variety, not the white powder) -riding a bicycle - I am surprised every spring how much I am taken back to my youth when I get on the bike for the first time.
2. Making music with friends 3. Hearing my new name spoken, "Daddy" 4. stepping outside to smoke a cigarette (a now dormant "happy activity")
The danger is that and hour later you take a piss, step outside, and light another one.
I once had an epic cigarette with cW and mk while up in a tree out front of a mansion in Depot Town, Ypsilanti MI. -Or did I just dream that? Nope, it actually happened.
The twin peaks smokes were pretty special. A nice break from the intensity of the show, the excuse to step out side into the expanse and breathe in the fresh air (among other things), and to reflect. This is actually my favorite thing about hanging out with smokers. They have a built in reminder to go outside every couple of hours or so. And when you're outside, smoking or just standing with the smokers, you have no choice but wait, watch, and listen for whatever there will be, for whatever will happen. And in my experience, if you're paying attention, something remarkable always happens.
-Taking hot baths -Fall -Putting my child to sleep at night-which is one of the few moments I am actually "in the moment" -A great cappucino with lots of foam and a fresh biscotti -Making things--anything really, just as long as I finish it -Reading a book that is so good, I don't want to put it down and want to stay up all night to finish it -A great cocktail (or a few great ones) -Watching a good movie in bed