Let's say that we will watch this by Friday, July 20th. (Unless this seems too long or too short a period? I'm open for suggestions here.) At which point we can discuss the two films and pick another topic or category and film.
I'm looking forward to watching some movies with you all.
Sorry for the mass "shout-out". This would be a perfect example of why having the ability to "follow" a post and get notifications would be beneficial. Enjoy the films if you haven't already. cW, bgood79, khaaan, steve, JakobVirgil, NotPhil, b_b, caio, Hein, cgod
Completely stoked about this. Thanks illegal piracy! And thanks youtube for not catching a film that has been viewed almost 300,000 times!
You're a theatre technician? That's fascinating. I'm often impressed at what can be accomplished when I see a production. Sometimes the seemingly simple things like, "clouds passing through the sunlight" are what grip the viewer and make them feel like they are actually witnessing real events. You have a cool job.