I just saw "6 coin tosses" via Facebook. Politics is nothing but a joke that we take way to seriously, spend far to much time counting on, and then blame way too much on. I don't think much will change regardless of who wins except for a few things.
If Trump wins, we'll catch a lot of slack from folks overseas, similar to how they laughed at us when we elected Bush again.
If Hillary wins, the fact that she's female will (1) spur a bunch of articles about how she is female (2) will spur a bunch of articles about how being female doesn't matter and (3) will spur a lot of retarded Facebook memes like "this is what happens when you elect a female" whenever she makes a decision.
If Bernie wins, the young folks will be all excited just like when Obama won. Hope. Change. Socialism. Etc. I doubt he will be able to do as much as he hopes and I doubt history will be as kind to him as it will be to Obama. Not talking about "first black president" history either.
If Cruz wins literally nothing will change, except perhaos for some very rich folks very late into his first term, if at all. I doubt his tax plan in its current form will get far. There are too many lobbyist and special groups that fought hard for whatever sliver of the pie they could get over the past decades. The reason our tax code is insane and complicated is because someone, somewhere got what they wanted. They won't let go easily.
I'm stunned.
But I realize that I would be gleeful if the three ties all went to Sanders. Instead, I'm indignant.
Looks like it's up to three now.
I'm frustrated and would have been even if Sanders won them. There is no justice in a coin. However, there is likely even less justice in people. The two people involved aren't the problem here, the system that allows for a fucking coin to dictate part of the outcome is the problem.
It's Iowa. Aka who gives a shit.
Can you really read much into a state that has selected Buchannon, Bush, Huckabee, Santorum, Cruz in their last five nominating contests. The dem side is a little better at siding with the eventual winner, but I don't think that's causal. Iowa is irrelevant.
Not once have I complained about the choices of Iowa, that's an irrelevant point when all I'm trying to do is point out the state that the system is in. What if those choices were more accurate / causal to the general election? Then would people care more about a process that makes little sense and has little representation?