- Every major music journalism outlet has been following the story of Mark Kozelek's beef with the War on Drugs. The initial complaint—that TWOD drowned out Kozelek during a festival performance—turned into weeks of Kozelek enacting numerous public retaliations against the band, which eventually ended in music writers waiting with bated breath for Kozelek to release a promised single titled "War on Drugs: Suck My Cock".
The song, which premiered this past Monday, is an eight-minute explanation of the original event spiked with Kozelek's rationale as to why TWOD is, in his estimation, a terrible band, with critiques spanning the band's sound, influences—even their appearance.
I know there's a lot of appreciation for Sun Kil Moon around here, but Mark Kozelek is a steaming piece of shit.
Sounds like there may be some personal experience there. You ever meet the guy or is this based on observation from a distance?
Hah, no, he's just notorious for being an asshole. Regularly berates his crowds, clearly he beefs with other musicians... there's a line between crotchety and unacceptable, and he's known for constantly strolling past it. Funny, given how heartfelt and delicate so many of his songs are. I do believe though that distinctions can be made between artist and art. I don't think the art is particularly diminished due to the shortcomings of the artist. Good songs are good songs.
This is why I prefer to know nothing about the people that make the music I love. SKM has some pretty great music IMO, but this is very lame.
Worth noting that Meredith Graves wrote this article. The entire situation is ridiculous and Kozalek needs to give it up. He's not doing himself any favors, and this is coming from somebody who loves his music. Things that are a bad idea: overshadowing a brilliant release in Benji with a pointless "feud" that makes you out to be a man-child.
Yea, she is a renowned feminist which is probably the reason for her dislike of the "language of male violence. But she does make some kick ass punk.