Your media player should (hopefully) have a feature that shows your top "X" amount of played songs. I only picked 25 because that's what they give you on iTunes.
It's interesting to look at, for me. The first ten or so tracks are ones I listened to a lot last summer when I was in Kuwait, which is where I had a lot of downtime to listen to music. The last ten or so are ones that I've listened to this summer.
Numbers 1-13 and 15-17 are the playlist that I listen to every night - I can't get to sleep unless I listen to calm music (and a little bit of Dilla :) ).
Don't judge me for 18, 20, 22 and 24, I've used this copy of iTunes since I was 11.
P.S. A Tribe Called Red are freakin awesome
E: For reference, here's the top 25 added in the past year:
My last fm is more accurate than my iTunes because that's been reset a few times. Not sure why the numbering on the left is messed up. I went through an Astral Weeks kick a while ago, probably why Van Morrison's got so many plays. fantastic album that took me a while to really get.
Oh, wow, I never thought would be useful at one point :D
Here's my overall top 25, still heavily influenced by my j-rock phase (place, title, overall plays):
- 1 ELLEGARDEN – Salamander 51
2 Nightmare – saiyuki 42
3 Nightmare – Believe 41
4 Nightmare – Varuna 39
4 AYABIE – Aikagi 39
6 AYABIE – Romancer 38
7 80KIDZ – Flying Buttress 36
8 80KIDZ – Miss Mars 35
8 80KIDZ – Turn Baby Turn (feat. Ghostape) 35
10 ELLEGARDEN – Jitterbug 34
10 Nightmare – jibun no hana 34
12 ELLEGARDEN – Space Sonic 33
12 ELLEGARDEN – Fire Cracker 33
14 Nightmare – Over 32
14 Plastic Tree – Zetsubou no oka 32
14 THE LOCAL ART – same 32
14 Justice – Phantom Pt. II 32
14 80KIDZ – Reflex 32
19 Nightmare – m-aria 31
19 Nightmare – HATE 31
19 80KIDZ – INTRO 31
22 ELLEGARDEN – Make A Wish 30
22 Justice – Waters of Nazareth 30
22 AYABIE – Shikosahoko 30
22 80KIDZ – Go Mynci 30
22 80KIDZ – This is My Shit 30
22 80KIDZ – 7inch Pop 30
22 80KIDZ – Arab. Hertz Club 30
22 80KIDZ – Frankie (feat. The Shoes) 30
And here from the last 12 months, that basically has nothing in common anymore with the overall one:
- 1 Purity Ring – Ungirthed 17
2 Purity Ring – Fineshrine 15
3 Purity Ring – Grandloves 14
4 Purity Ring – Lofticries 13
4 Purity Ring – Amenamy 13
4 Purity Ring – Cartographist 13
4 Purity Ring – Crawlersout 13
4 Purity Ring – Saltkin 13
9 Purity Ring – Belispeak 12
9 Purity Ring – Shuck 12
9 Purity Ring – Obedear 12
9 CHVRCHES – The Mother We Share 12
13 ::M∆DE::IN::HEIGHTS:: – Viices 11
14 The Glitch Mob – Between Two Points (feat. Swan) 10
14 The Glitch Mob – Animus Vox 10
14 The Glitch Mob – Bad Wings 10
14 The Glitch Mob – We Swarm 10
18 The Glitch Mob – Drive It Like You Stole It 9
18 The Glitch Mob – How to Be Eaten by a Woman 9
18 The Glitch Mob – Fortune Days 9
18 ::M∆DE::IN::HEIGHTS:: – Amaranthine 9
18 ::M∆DE::IN::HEIGHTS:: – Marguerite 9
18 CHVRCHES – We Sink 9
18 CHVRCHES – Gun 9
18 CHVRCHES – Tether 9
Also, that are basically 4 albums I listened to like 9-10 times. For anyone interested in these great albums:
The Glitch Mob - Drink the Sea (2010)
Made in Heights (or ::M∆DE::IN::HEIGHTS:: if you take the fancy way) - Made in Heights (2010)
Purity Ring - Shrines (2012)
Chvrches - The Bones of What You Believe (2013)
That second list... that's pretty much mine. Only it probably goes Chvrches, blackmill, purity ring, then like a couple robert delong songs and a ton of we are the ocean.
I don't know if you've seen alt-j on here. But I started out not caring for them a lot, but really getting hooked on them after hearing a few songs on pandora.
I'm sure you like avicii.
I'm a fan of circa survive as well, but I don't know if there in a similar genre.
alt-j: didn't hear of them before, but just listened to an album by them, approved! Gonna get some albums later and decide further :3
avicii: I don't know if i was too dumb to find the right one, or if I missed something, but the avicii I listened to on YT is on the radio here all over. So overkill anyway :D But their style is also a lot different from the the other bands mentioned so far. Given I only know 'Addicted to you' and 'Wake me up ' properly. I've also heard Silhouettes before, but that sounded more tranc-y, maybe I'll get an album later and check them out.
Survive: Incredibly hard to find any songs with that name :D They also don't have a wiki article, so I can't search for their albums?
Thanks for the suggestions!
Circa Survive is the band name. There's the wikipedia article for them. No idea whether you'll like them or not.
And yeah, you got the right avicii. The songs are overplayed, but at least they're good. Unlike most radio lol
Good question! I would say yes, or at least a look intor you life at the time at hand.
When I was a freshman college year, I wanted to totally revamp how I felt about myself. Operation Reconstruct Profile was what I named it, cheesy as it sounded. The first lines of Good Ass Intro are "Even better than I was the last time."
Old Love / New Love was played frequently when a certain red-head entered my life.
Shadow World is super cheerful and something I played a lot this summer.
Before My Body Is Dry is just super good for lifting.
Old Friends I listened to a lot while commuting, while the weather was rainy and gloomy.
Yeah. I think each song is a snapshot of what's going on in your life at the time.
Kill la Kill was so good, and the sound track was just great
Black Ice - Terrible Birds
Black Ice - My Eyes Hurt
Jucifer - Lambs
Android Lust - The Want
Tiamat - Carry Your Cross and I'll Carry Mine
Rome - Die Nelke
Bloody Dead and Sexy - Saeta
Gary Numan - Melt
Gary Numan - A Question of Faith
Die Warzau - Curious
Die Warzau - Linoleum
Broadcast - The Book of Lovers
Zola Jesus - Devil Take You
Diablo Swing Orchestra - Balrog Boogie
Android Lust – Dragonfly
Jabberwock – Happy
Chemlab - Chemical Halo
Alcest – Circe Poisoning the Sea
The Sisters of Mercy - Temple of Love
C17H19NO3 – A Spell For Breaking An Opening Into The Sky
Android Lust – The Body
Tiamat – Dust Is Our Fare
The Vanishing - Still Lifes
The Vanishing - Lovers in Hell
Collide - Razor Sharp
Oh god Temple of Love is up there.
Gary Numan
Android Lust
...I counted Android Lust twice. Oops. Yeah, I think Die Warzau had given up touring by the time I was on the scene. I wish I'd mixed Collide. Love that band.
Here's my current top, since November (when I got Google Music):
But it pales in comparison to my, which functioned between 2010 and 2012, during which I listened to 9420 Coldplay songs, 6817 Radiohead and 4659 Pink Floyd. Most other artists are below 2k. Overall I scrobbled 50k songs in that time. I'm very much like CashewGuy, in that if I like a song, I'll play it a looot.
I actually listen through Vox, so this is slightly off, but that's okay.
I'm surprised the Cosmos soundtrack made it onto this list, but the Pulp Fiction one didn't. That's probably because I listened to it non-stop while walking to and from classes last term.