- Rian Johnson, the director of Brick and Looper, is going to write and direct the next two Star Wars movies. Johnson all but confirmed the news in a tweet that summed-up the hopes and fears of fans who watched all three prequels and still cannot figure out why Anakin Skywalker turned to the dark side.
Right off the bat, I think it would be amazing to see Bobba Fett finally get his own film - after getting (I think) his own video game 10+ years ago. I think I'm going to be in the shit when I say this but I actually enjoyed Star Wars III, it seems like everyone hates the second trilogy. With good reason I might add, well mostly good reason. The first one (Phantom Menace) was just drawn out (I understand that they have to introduce the future Darth Vader when he looks like he should be in the fifth or sixth grade). The second one was just him now older, running around being angsty at everything, the only redeeming moment of that movie was when he found his parent/s (mom?) killed by the Sand People, and he goes berserk and murders them all out of anger. The third one, it felt fast paced and just tied into 4, 5, and 6 enough to be kind of a middle ground. At that point in the series you could see where everything would lead into the original trilogy because it was only 20-something years prior.
Sorry if this came out a little like gibberish and rambling.
Doctor horrible's sing along blog did it better and cost a little bit less.
The third one was terrible because it was boring and needlessly dark.
Star Wars is not a space opera, it's an adventure serial that is set in a universe with magic.
Also, if you cut the entire General Grievous subplot from the story, nothing significant would have changed at all. He's just a random, totally pointless villain who was in the universe for like an hour then died. Why would you do that?
Why couldn't Darth Maul or even fucking Dooku have just been the bad guy since the first one? That way when the villain loses we care about it because we know who the fuck they are.
Yep I was right, I knew somebody would come along and say the third one was horrible. Fine, how about this? I enjoyed it as a movie. You can now disregard my initial comment about it, or are you going to tell me why I'm wrong about enjoying it as a movie and nothing more?
Go ahead and enjoy it. The fact that I think it's a boring , poorly shot, mess of a film written by an out of touch recluse billionaire with too much ego doesn't mean that you can't even find it your favorite.
I grew up watching a VHS copy of the original trilogy. Those movies are incredible. There are better movies, sure, but the originals encompassed everything that I love about film. It's a simple story, with fun characters who grow and learn, in a setting that gets actual exploration and depth, where all of the editing and the camera work and the sound all come together to help tell that story better. There's cheesy moments, sure, but they add to the charm. It's a movie and it never tries to trick you in to thinking otherwise, and I appreciate that. There's no pretense to the film at all.
The prequels sucked extra hard for me because I'm so invested in the originals, and part of my absolute hatred of them comes from their betrayal of the whole concept of a Star Wars movie. Outside of the fact that it's set in space and there are laser swords, they're basically not Star Wars films. Characters have the same names, sure, but it's not edited the same, it doesn't look the same, it doesn't explore the universe, the Jedi are different, Storm Troopers don't make sense, and it moves really far away from the whole "homage to adventure serials" that the originals were based off of.
I'm going to want to start ranting about Star Wars now.
For the record I grew up on the original trilogy myself (regardless of the fact that I'm 24 and eagerly looking forward to the upcoming trilogy). Maybe I phrased everything wrong. SW 3 was good as a popcorn flick, yeah that's the phrase I was looking for - it was a good popcorn flick.
I'm not totally sure if Disney will do this, but I'd really like to see a single, side, film. Something that's really dark and gritty, focusing on smugglers or bounty hunters (I'd also like to see a Fett movie like havires mentions, esp. since the Jango Fett game was pretty good, iirc). As long as they don't make it about Han Solo, and instead focus on some young gun who doesn't really know what he's doing at first, I think it'd be great.
True they probably would, but there is nothing saying they couldn't go back to Han's early days and make the movie about a young Han that has no idea what he's doing. If that's where they want to go. Although I would probably like it better to focus on new people in the stand alones with cameos from the names.
I mean I'll be honest if they do an origin on Han, since RoTS was 20 years or do prior to New Hope, they could start it right after that battle on the Wookie planet where Chewie is shown with Yoda. Like after the battle Chewie leaves his world on a smuggler ship, which we find out after the iconic title scroll is the Millennium Falcon. With Fett (coming in a bit later) as the bad guy. Then again that's a different idea to be honest.
This is promising. Brick is a fantastic film, and Johnson has a good head on his shoulders.
If he brings an ounce of that noir quality to the film, and if Disney puts in the same effort and care that it's put in to Marvel, then I might actually get excited for a new Star Wars film, instead of clutching desperately at the wounds left from the prequels, trying to forget the fact that those movies exist.