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hubskier for: 4016 days
You're doing OK, man. We need to stop talking about Kanye though. He spits good rhymes and makes good songs sometimes, and we don't want him to pop.
It's common for people to vote against their interests, sadly. It goes to show what ideology does for rational thinking....yet she's a republican. So odd.
What's interesting is that this can also tie back to why many young men can have trouble early in marriages. I can speak from experience, that therapeutic benefit for women is very strong, and initially it was difficult to process that she just wanted to talk about her problems (and I couldn't help but to try and solve them). It was all so simple after that...
To be just a little pedantic, C hasn't necessarily killed Assembly as much the necessity of knowing it to program at the low level. In short, C compilers have become efficient enough to negate the need to write in Assembly directly due to, at the very least, being much more human readable, though not in every case (i.e. certain optimizations).
Read the first page, it's pretty biased. Didn't feel the need to read the rest since I didn't feel it deserved the click. A lot of assuming what the Russian (or maybe just Putin's) perspective is to the point where it seems unprofessional.
System Of A Down has been bouncing around in my head all week. In particular Innvervision off of Steal This Album. I also evidently had a bit of a hip-hop tooth. I went back to J-Live's Audio Visual. Also, after becoming a bit curious from watching a few episodes, I dug in and found Asheru's Judo Flip, the song remixed to become the theme song for Boondocks.
Not that I'm an expert on the matter, but doesn't MTGOX stand for Magic The Gathering Online eXchange? Why do people keep referring to it as a mountain?