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How about this: Fuck you and fuck everyone on this site which I am now sure is at least 90% -- unreasonable -- white people? I'm out.
No one painted anyone as racists. 1. Just because someone mentions black people arming themselves =/= race war.
2. Opting out of the discussion because.. what? Because something is happening you don't want to discuss? Okay.
3. Thinking a race war.. on ASSUMPTIONS which were already plainly pointed out.
4. Shit is going down RIGHT NOW -- hence the discussion.
5. No one made it "flamebait" -- peoples' inability to address the topic without making the same assumptions you just posted makes it one.
People use People of Color.. how is that different than colored people? Ignorance isn't bliss, it's just ignorance.
So aren't we assuming being non-biological is better? Just based on our own intellectual missteps?
I have had to explain every little thing I've said to people who say they're capable of understanding complex arguments.
...We are a species capable of deciding. We can choose how this goes. I do not think it is viable nor intelligent of us to give up a humanity we have not explored. That does not mean forcing anything that isn't there. It means using it to our advantage. We have destroyed so much without altering ourselves genetically, then it stands to reason we can create just as much. That is all I meant.
So I get "#flamebait" because white people don't want to talk about white people's issues with black people/POC?
... I can't. It's too fun. lol
Okay. I do understand these arguments. People believe transhumanism is the way to go basically because they are lazy. That they want just another way to "one up" one another rather than seek either peace or equality. What can we do about that? I think there are biological alternatives -- such as transcending the relatively "average" definition of humanity via willpower and a more evolved societal system. For instance -- and this gets into some conspiratorial things: there may be already people on this planet which are/were "more" than human and this 'anomalous' state is indicative of our potential, as I posited before. The grasp for transhumanism as it stands today is therefore actually a faux pas by people who have no comprehension of our capacity and/or are engineers of our current situation.
I'm not telling you to tell us how to react--which I think you could have figured out, what with all this information going around. I'm asking you why you all seem to think when we say, "You should be accountable" you immediately think of how you should tell US what to do, instead of how to tell YOURSELVES what to do.
I really laughed more than I should have. It's like watching a movie that you know the ending to. And it's still pretty entertaining.
Exactly what would be a better way to defend ourselves against a force which is neither there to protect or serve us? It's worse for black people but it affects ALL of us under tyrannical governments..which is all of us.
When the shit goes down how many of you are going to stand up with your black friends or are you still going to be trying to ignore it and/or hope you don't die? I see so many of you not addressing the larger posts I made. If you don't have the empathic capacity to see where this question is coming from then how are you going to react positively to us uplifting and protecting ourselves en masse or individually? If your first instinctual reaction to the IDEA of blacks organizing to protect themselves is fear and unwillingness to even discuss the reality of the situation in America, then white people need to start asking themselves a lot of questions because this is frankly ridiculous and...sobering.
What isn't explicit? Why do people think the only way we can evolve is through -- basically -- becoming cyborgs (by giving up the humanity we have not fully explored)?
So you're saying I'm a troll because.. this is a place for discussion and I don't agree with you? Wow. Such logic.
I'm sorry that the majority of people here can't see what is going on--after phenomenal evidence. I don't want to assume anything, but based on the responses, it seems fairly safe to say that you are all white identified. No one wants war. I think most people want peace and are good people. The only reason there WILL be a war is this ignorance being perpetuated about white's place in it. You are the beneficiaries and upholders of a system which has oppressed colored people all over the world. I am sure many of us are angry.. but none of us want war. Maybe you should consider why that is the only place your thoughts go when we want to discuss solutions.
Because those who are a part of the oppressing class shouldn't have this discussion? Are you not interested in learning why some of these people are like this and what you can do to be a part of a positive change? Why is it that when someone -- anyone -- brings this up, the first thing you think of is "race war"? No one wants that. Don't forget the history. It was your people who did this. We ALL have to fix it now.
"White people" =/= All White People. Why the fuck does every black person have to say that shit? Stop letting fear override logic. We all know what the history is.
..ok. What rock are you living under? Oh right, Minnesota.
When did I say.. "all white people"? I'll wait. Because everyone with a little common sense knows it isn't just white people who are anti-black. EDIT: And still, you gloss over facts.
Ya'll having a shit storm and not even offering solutions. You know damn well what may happen. What white people have done to blacks. You're all worried. You haven't been getting killed for centuries for no other reason than your skin tone. I get it. Black people don't want war. We aren't oppressing people, murdering them, keeping them from progressing in every way we can. We want peace. How many other people do? I am specifically talking about bigots and you all are talking like I'm saying it is you, personally. After all this. Maybe you should think about that. I have to worry about some dumb ass harassing me or shooting me for no other reason at all than that they're ignorant. At least I'm talking about protecting myself and not.... what these people out here are doing (like shooting up churches and hanging innocent black women)
Oh. You're one of those people who think discussing racism is the same thing as being racist. Yeah, you see yourself out. Because you clearly have no idea what racism is, even while clearly having full access to the internet and Google.
Seeing as how you actually -- more or less -- replicated my question.. I see I was not underestimating anything. People know what is happening. This is voluntary ignorance and apathy. It's almost as bad as all those people who said, "Don't worry about the environment" while knowing damn well what was going to happen.
That's exactly what I want to discuss. Solutions for making sure that doesn't happen. There is a huge international discussion going on about the oppression of colored people and their colonization by whites as well as subsequent affects. What can we do to make sure the world isn't destroyed while we are throwing off such shackles?
You're saying blacks arming themselves is no different than whites. Excepts for centuries blacks have been subjugated, oppressed (murdered, raped, unfairly treated, having their cultures destroyed etc into the present day) in many different countries, even in Africa. So, yeah, it is different.
Definitely what I was saying. How was that not clear?
Except our nation's history. Which is what I'm asking about.
Can you tell us why? Also: thank you very much for the information -- I figured that may be the case, but wasn't sure. After all, I haven't heard of any such black people being gun downed.