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What Epic needs to do is to walk back their claims about opt-out reviews, or at least give a disincentive for people to do that. For example, you can opt-out of a review, but you don't get to put trailers out until you open up for them. They also need to work with people to make exclusive deals that aren't shut downs of previous announcements. Like, Exodus was confirmed to go to Steam as well, and then they swooped in and said "nah, it's our now." That's going to just upset previously happy customers. They could be smart about this, but they seem to just go about this in the dumbest way possible
Both Hidden Citizens and Les Friction have been scratching my music itch lately. Songs like the HC - Run Run Rebel/The One to survive are great. Les Friction on the other hand has a lot more that I've found great. Dark Matter, Firewall, World on Fire are great, while Louder than Words is damn near perfect trailer music
It's a horrible thing, but it's the kind of thing you get when a website becomes super popular.