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comment by shiranaihito

The bottom line is that black people are responsible for their choices and actions too, just like we are. It's ultimately up to them to change their circumstances for the better.

In reality, in the US for example, racism against black people is frowned upon so hard, that it's really not a factor in why they're not successful. Neither does it explain why black people are vastly overrepresented in crime statistics.

Sure, it's complicated, but it doesn't get any better by white people sympathizing with them even more than we already do.

It's crazy how we've got a bunch of white people lecturing other white people about how racist white people are, and any attempt at refuting any of it is automatically invalidated by being white.

b_b  ·  3416 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Whom did I call a racist? That's the point, really. That even if you or I aren't racists in the sense of the term we all understand it to mean (i.e. that we think whites are superior by nature), we live in a society that is set up to have black people at a disadvantage just by being born black. Thinking about individual behavior gets us nowhere. The historical contingency which brought us to this moment is what we need to think about. Institutional failure is bigger than any given individual.

shiranaihito  ·  3415 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    we live in a society that is set up to have black people at a disadvantage just by being born black

Here's an example of how society is set up to have black people at an advantage over white people, just by virtue of being black: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affirmative_action_in_the_United_States

Seriously. What basis does your claim have? How have blacks been disadvantaged and by whom?

(Please don't bother with complaining about me saying "blacks". I just don't want to keep typing out "black people" all the time, in an effort to.. avoid accusations of racism, pretty much :p)