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comment by c_hawkthorne
c_hawkthorne  ·  3604 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The "Get to know Me" Thread

I'm c_hawkthorne. I've gotten c_hawk, hawkthorne and seahawk before. Pretty much anything close to my username works though. Now about me:

1. I love to play chess. There's an app called Chess With Friends. It is free and available for iDevices and Android devices. If you want to play, PM me and I will hit you up with my username and we can play.

2. Baking is great. It is fattening, delicious, and awesome.

3. Music is my life. I can't play, even though I have tried a bunch, but I love listening to it.

4. I play a lot of tennis. I am not the healthiest person and I need to stay active, and this is a good way to stay active. On top of that, tennis is awesome and fun.

5. Video games once in a while. I have three on steam, I play two, and that's all I really need. Not too often.

6. Writing is quite cathartic, but I don't do it enough. I've written short stories before on /r/writingprompts and get positive feedback, but I don't write that often.

7. I have a small obsession with something called cardboard crack, and have amassed if I had to guess a little over 4,000 cards.

That's me!

goldbludgeon  ·  3604 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I recently built a modern burn deck and tested it out at FNM. It's funny because I've always thought that burn decks were cheap, but now that I am on the other side of the coin I realize why people play them. It's an all or nothing mentality. If you can't get your opponent down to zero life within five turns you are screwed. I really like it and the game moves very quickly. I recently went back to my Abzan deck and it moves SO SLOWLY. Plan on making a blue/black deck next. We'll see how that goes...

c_hawkthorne  ·  3603 days ago  ·  link  ·  

The worst kinds of decks are mill and sliver/ally/etc. They're so annoying to play against. With that being said, I have an elf deck with a record of four turns, generally around 7 though. I also have a rainbow deck that is awesome to play with full of over powered cards and this land hate deck, which isn't great, but is fun to play with. I have never played in FNM, nor do I keep up with standard. I play strictly for fun. With that being said, I have recently been interested in going to an FNM, but I don't know what the time commitment would be like, and I'm not that great at making decks, especially quickly, which I feel like you would have to do at FNM.

goldbludgeon  ·  3603 days ago  ·  link  ·  

That land hate deck looks really fun to play. You don't have to keep up with standard to play at FNM. A lot of game stores have Modern or Legacy tournaments on Fridays as well. It's normally around 5 bucks ( if they are doing prizes) or free to play. The time commitment would be around 3 hours. Sometimes I get out of there sooner. I would check it out. A lot of the players are really kind, and some will even evaluate your deck and give you cards to fill it out.