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comment by insomniasexx
insomniasexx  ·  4064 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Not A Hypothetical #2

I agree with your sentiment that Pluraleyes is crappy. I've used it to sync unsynced/unslated/unlabeled clips but thank goodness that was a corporate shoot with only about 50 separate clips, all shot on one day. I originally tried to sync the entire sequence, which failed miserable. I ended up going back and syncing all the independent raw clips from camera with boom and lav, while treating myself to a very nice bottle of scotch on the producers dime.

Then I had all the raw video clips with 6 audio tracks - 2 camera, 2 lav, 2 boom and reconnected the media using the new stuff. Once that was was in place I went through and made sure the audio from boom/lav matched the video and then chose the best of the two. Thank goodness it was all voiceover and some sound like doors opening and closing. There were a couple that didn't sync properly so I had to go and find that section by hand which was miserable. But not as miserable as it could've been.

I think it would take a massive amount of adderall and an intern or 5 to wade through all the clips and sync them like I managed to do on the hot mess shoot.

As for placing your name on the film, blah. That's always the worst. We've burned a couple DPs on hot mess shoots because the final output was so terrible that they didn't want to be associated with it in any way. Even though they were paid a fairly reasonable sum, for a 1 day, 1 location, corporate video.

The execs at my company fail to realize how important reputation is in the industry, or how to properly manage a shoot, or how important a DP is. In fact I got called in a couple months ago to be asked if I wanted to be on set for an upcoming shoot and only 30 minutes later realized they wanted me to DP. Yeah. I don't DP. But because I can take photographs and videos with a 5 year old DSLR in a lightbox on occasion, apparently they assume I can DP. Hahahhaha.

Good luck, KB. Not to stroke your ego too much, but you're fucking brilliant and seem to be a phenomenal problem solver and people person so I have no doubt that you can get through and come out on top with whatever shitstorm flies your way.

kleinbl00  ·  4064 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Good luck, KB. Not to stroke your ego too much, but you're fucking brilliant and seem to be a phenomenal problem solver and people person so I have no doubt that you can get through and come out on top with whatever shitstorm flies your way.

Thhbhbhbbhbhht. This particular issue was sorted by me six months ago. I'd just started writing it up and forgot about it until I found it, bored, last night. So I finished it up and posted it.

This one has a solution/semi-happy ending.

blackbootz  ·  4058 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I thought you were crowdsourcing complex problems to a small community you respect, hoping we could find something you had missed. kleinbl00 is asking for advice? not leaving it for others? But what you really did was set up a chess match mid-game, and let us have a go.

Have you already written the ending? I can't wait to check the back the book for the answer.

kleinbl00  ·  4058 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Soon as I finish moving.