Seattle is a great town. But beyond that, the best advice I could give anyone is to find a job you really love. You have to spend so much of your time at work that getting up every day to go to a job you hate inevitably makes life suck. No matter where you're living, if you hate your job you should quit and find a new one. There is no amount of money I could be paid to go to a shitty job every day. Been there, done that, and now that I have a great career I would kill myself before going back to that way of life.
Thanks for this advice. I will definitely take it to heart. One of the biggest reasons I'm not happy in Minnesota right now is because of my lousy job, and one reason I'm hesitant about just jumping out to Seattle is that I'd probably have to take the first job offer that I receive. Maybe I should bide my time here for a while longer (while I have a source of income) so I can continue applying to places in Seattle, and wait until the right offer comes along? My only problem is I don't have much real good experience that would land me a good job. I mostly have administrative experience, so I've been applying to those sorts of positions. I've also sent in a couple inquiry emails to running/triathlon stores, but who knows if I could make enough there to sustain rent, food, and loan payments.