Wonderful! Thanks for sharing. I didn't realize you guys had recorded any of your gigs. I figured I was going to have to content myself with your CDs.
Only because you mentioned it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQvL3tds5KU I'm way too big of a narcissist to not have someone film our shows :-) The audio in that link is pretty horrible, but you get to hear our version of "Close to Me," my favorite Cure song.
I used to, then I met bgood79 and he makes fun of my performing so much that my skin is so thick that I'm beyond embarrassment. I do know that I get better each time I do it. Also, there's a magic moment when you forget about all of that and don't "perform," you just create. That's a hard place for me to get to but for the best musicians it's their default. -those guys are amazing.