I can't say that I support GMO, or that I don't support GMO. As the post mentions, not all GMO are created equal. Round-up Ready crops are not the same as drought-tolerant crops so there's little use grouping them together for debate. GMO can increase crop yield, but it can also increase the suceptibility to disease by decreasing variance. It would be easy to label GMO food products as such. I would personally like to know, because there are times that I would actually investigate the type of GMO that was employed. The problem with labeling people as 'GMO truthers', is that you ignore the possibility that someone has uncovered a genuine case of harmful GMO, which is very possible (as the author concedes).
I'm with you on this. I would enthusiastically buy GMO products that satisfied my wants and need better than non-GMO crops. Show me better nutrition, quality or shelf life and my money will follow. I would buy GMO crops that were engineered in such a way to minimize farming's impact on the environment if they were the same price as other options. One thing no one has mentioned is that the United States is the Saudia Arabia of food. I have no desire to buy crops modified to take an extra big soaking of pesticides and there is no rational reason for me to want to buy these products. Organic products, at least in my neck of the woods, are competitive on price and sometimes on quality (sometimes better sometimes worse). I wouldn't want to see a GMO sticker that didn't tell me what kind of modification I was getting but I would be pretty happy to see a sticker with a QR code that could take me to an authoritative analysis of the benefits and costs of the product I was buying. Before I die I hope to eat a strawberry cantaloupe, I think it might be the most divine creation. I know this will only be possible with science, we are infants now but someday we might become strawberry cantaloupe gods.
I agree in large part. However, Let's let biologists do that, not stay-at-home moms with Facebook.The problem with labeling people as 'GMO truthers', is that you ignore the possibility that someone has uncovered a genuine case of harmful GMO, which is very possible (as the author concedes).
Are you a biologist? ;) There's a number of people in between (including us), that can have reasonable discussions on the issues. Farmers, for instance. In fact, some of the aspects are out of the realm of most biologists. Leaving it to the experts is difficult when the issue is so wide-ranging and complex. Especially when there are multiple competing interests.