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thenewgreen · 4258 days ago · link · · parent · post: How do you get over the boring and demotivational slumps?
I have not been "bored" lately, but I have certainly been in a slump. I recently wrote about how routine helps me be more creative. Actually, having a routine helps me be happier. Period. I would suggest to anyone to have a few set things that you do every day, week, month etc. I was running 3-7 miles every other day and I fell away from it because of traveling etc. I fell out of the routine and it has really brought me down. I plan on running tomorrow and I already know that I'll be lucky to go 3 miles. My last real run was 10 miles. When I don't run my diet gets worse too, it's pretty amazing the effect it has on me. So my advice is "routine".