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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  4335 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Monoprice and the One True Anti-Apple

    I think you and JTHipster made a crucial mistake at this point in your argument

    you get a big smack on the hand with a wooden spoon for that,

| If you can't find equivalent numbers yourself then I challenge you to withdraw your statement.|

    Remember, "anecdotes do not equal data"

(...so here's not one, not two, not three, but FOUR anecdotes to prove you wrong)

| I'm disappointed that neither of you tackled the issue of recycling as much as you should have.|

    (Got my Apple Magic Trackpad right here, bro.)

    Now please don't get distracted by arguing over which headphones sound the best,


    Quality has been eliminated as a factor.

(but do please take me seriously)

    I think I must have fouled up in some way that I'm too stupid to see, and I apologize.

You chose to talk down to me because you think you're superior, you chose to lecture me because you think you know better, and you chose to attempt to undercut my arguments by demonstrating you don't understand debate while also being condescending as fuck.

    I've been following you on Hubski because I thought you were intelligent and level headed, and I still think you are, but I believe that something I said struck you the wrong way.

I think you decided I was in a cozy little box where you could look down at me and feel superior and I'm here to make you regret that. If you truly thought I was "intelligent and level-headed" you wouldn't talk to me like I was a retarded fourteen-year-old.

    you just had a lively exchange with JT and I thought there were things that were missed, and that's what I was bringing up.

No, you said "you guys are missing the important issue which is defined by me on my terms using my data because you're both wrong and also not worthy of respect. Headphones."

    If you have actually ignored me then you won't see this, in which case I'm sad.

It doesn't work like that. I get to browse back to see if I can see anything anywhere that might have led you to completely gloss over everything I said while also acting like me and JT hadn't had four or five thousand words' worth of legit discussion.

Nope. No idea where you get off. One does not begin a "friendly debate" by discounting everything a person says in smarmy tones. Not unless one wants to get curbsmiled.

cwenham  ·  4335 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Nope. No idea where you get off. One does not begin a "friendly debate" by discounting everything a person says in smarmy tones. Not unless one wants to get curbsmiled.

I'll remember that.