Ok, I just added the tin can phone reward at $75. :) UPDATE: Just added a $25 reward. Will do. Is there any /r you suggest other than /r/hubski? I would guess that most subreddits don't want kickstarters.When this gets cross posted to reddit, be sure to send everyone the link here so we can help give it some visibility.
See.. and I just changed my donation from $50 to $75, just so I can get the tin can phone reward.
/r/technology will likely eat it up, even /r/darknet if it's still around. Reddit is very accepting of kickstarters so long as its related to the subreddit. You just need to get it visible in one subreddit and people will get it visible in others. I'd also recommend creating a lower backing than $10. Something like $5, as well as $10 and other higher ones has that appeal of less than a meal. Its hard not to justify spending $5 on something you agree with that would be useful. If I keep making suggestions I'm going to overwhelm this conversation. I used to be much more in-tune with the reddit community, but have since dropped off. IIRC, there's really not much opposition to kickstarters, just so long as they're not way too off topic or frivolous.