Nice to know the origins, made all the more interesting by the fact that my grandfather's name is Joachim. -I now feel more connected to my currency. I have a 2 year old daughter that watches Mary Poppins at least twice a week. We will be out and about and she will randomly bust in to song feed the birds tuppins a bag... It got me wondering, what exactly are tuppins? Turns out its the word tuppence, which is slang for "two-pence". This makes sense since Michael, the boy in the movie, is holding two coins. Aside: mk are you still collecting?
You might get a kick out of this - it's an Australian ad for when they converted to decimal currency in 1966. The arithmetic (and the music) is excruciatingly awful!
Great piece of propaganda, thanks for the link. I like how dollar bill winces in annoyance until he gets to do the conversions in decimals, then it's all smiles.