The game is at 6pm so it will probably be over around 9pm. He will probably join in later for a short amount of time like last time.
FYI. Location changed to Bull McCabes. I think it will be a better spot anyways. It's closer to all the other bars and much easier to "bar-hop".
Looks good. So if you want you can pick me up from the game (It's at Jack Coombs Field, approx 10 minutes from Bulls) at 7:45 or whatever, or I can meet you there when the game ends. My brother is pitching Saturday so he might stop by or he might not. If you are available to get a drink Saturday night he said he would be down to hang out more. Now that he is 21, we will probably go out Saturday for a little bit. I haven't seen him since he turned 21 so we might do the lil sis / big bro get legally drunk thing. I'll let people know the plan if they want to do another round Saturday.
I could probably scoop you up. Not sure about Saturday night yet. Is insomsbf coming too? I can understand Drew not wanting to get drunk the night before pitching.
Bummer. Well, we will have a good time none-the-less.