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comment by sounds_sound
sounds_sound  ·  4338 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Bro, Check Out These Tits; Google Glass and the Laws of Unintended Consequences

First. You're putting the pussy up on a pedestal.

Second. You are right, GG ubiquity will mark the moment when I think a lot of people will stop and seriously ask themselves what role cloud connectivity plays in their lives. Sure my iPhone in my pocket keeps me connected, but I don't wear it and it isn't in my constant frame of view. I can still hide from it, and it from others. The coffee shop in my neighborhood has a sign that says 'no cell phones in line' and I really like that they make an effort to spell out their expectations of manners to their patrons. I think we'll start seeing a lot more of that happening. As long as GG is clearly discernible at least. I was at a department store recently and took a picture of a sweet pair of shoes and was asked to delete my photo. The person even waited to see that I did. There will be a increased alertness in behavior. You'll hear "Excuse me sure, is that Google Glass?, You can't wear those in here." Never mind that you have them mounted to your prescription pair. And guess what? Truth is, most places are private. We'll all start to realize that even more once we begin wearing cameras on our heads. But sure, there will always be the creepy guy that has every angle figured. The snake. But that dude has been around way before GG and will be around beyond its significance. Rest assured though, that that person is not really living, but only watching. Life is not a spectator sport. And believe me, actually touching boobs is WAY better.

guybrush  ·  4338 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I agree, there will be a lot of restrictions around where you're allowed to wear smart glasses for a variety of legal, security and personal privacy concerns. I'm no legal expert but I'm guess you may be able to argue harassment in the boob case.

JTHipster  ·  4338 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Oh no, I know touching boobs is way better, but some of them are really nice man. If a guy had a really well shaped penis I'd comment on that too.

The problem is that we are still barred by a social barrier from doing things we know we shouldn't, and Google Glass removes a lot of that by making it impossible to tell what a person is doing. So yes, the nuclear option for a store is fine; you can say No Google Glass and it'll halt every problem I'm talking about...in that store. Guess who isn't going to say no? Large companies.

Starbucks isn't going to tell people not to wear something. We can't even tell people to leave the store unless another customer complains they're disruptive. These large corporations that have been built up for quite some time now are based around customer first, and that means bending over backwards for them, and that means letting people wear Google Glasses.

We'll see how each place responds though. It won't be a uniform standard of no glasses or yes glasses, because I can guarantee people are going to complain if their face computer isn't allowed in a store.

I'd wear the shit out of google glasses, only if I can have an App that let's me put mustaches on everyone.

sounds_sound  ·  4338 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Dude. That's funny. Too bad for you there is no such thing as dick cleavage. Yet.

And why mustaches? Why not put a nice pair of boobs on everyone?

JTHipster  ·  4338 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Because the boob stare occurs in two stages. The look and the correction, when you look towards their face. Its compulsive.

So if its on everyone I'll automatically end up staring at people's faces, and people are by and large ugly motherrfuckers.