I needed some RSA public key encrypt / decrypt functionality recently. To do this, you need integer mathematics of longer-than-usual precision. This comes for free in a lot of languages, but not in C.
So, I searched around on the web, and I found a simple C "bignum" library, and it worked okay, once I added a shift and a modulo function. I still had a problem, though - the native format of that library's bignums was decimal, and all my data (RSA keys and cipher-text) was in hexadecimal - and conversion of huge numbers between decimal and hex, although straightforward, takes a lot of time.
So, I hacked at it a fair bit, and now I have a working hexadecimal "bignum" library. I'm posting it here as a way of placing what I've done into the public domain. I hope someone finds it useful. Sometime soon I'll probably post the RSA encrypt / decrypt functions that use this library also (but that stuff is really pretty simple, once you have the big integer maths).
Enough talk - shut up and show them the code, already... Copy and paste the stuff between the lines of plus signs. There's a .h file and a .c file.
The header file : ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #ifndef _HEX_BIGNUM_H_ #define _HEX_BIGNUM_H_
// Hexadecimal "bignum" functions. Deals solely with unsigned hexadecimal numbers.
// Hacked together by Brian Myers (brian.d.myers@gmail.com)
// Free for any use - no warranty.
// I started with the decimal "bignum" library by Skiena (see link below) below, but
// I have modified it heavily :
// 1. To convert it from signed-decimal to unsigned-hexadecimal.
// 2. To allow source and destination arguments to be the same (at a small RAM cost).
// 3. To add functions like modulo and rshift, for use in RSA public-key cryptography.
// Original source found here : http://www.brilliantsheep.com/handling-big-numbers-in-c/
* Copyright 2003 by Steven S. Skiena; all rights reserved.
* Permission is granted for use in non-commerical applications provided this
* copyright notice remains intact and unchanged.
* This file contains the structure for representing big numbers. In addition,
* this file contains functions for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and
* dividing very large numbers.
// NOTE!
// 1. Overflow errors will not be reported. YOU must ensure that your
// calculations don't overflow. This library will not corrupt anything
// on overflow (unless a bug), but your results will not be correct.
// 2. These hex bignums DO NOT WRAP OR ROLL OVER. No 2's complement, no
// concept of negative values.
// 3. If a subtraction would result in a negative result, you get zero.
// 4. Truncating integer division is used.
// 5. Division (or modulo) by zero gives a result of zero. GIGO.
// 6. MAX_HEX_DIGITS can be set quite low if you like, but values of 0
// or 1 will most likely not work very well (or be very useful).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Maximum length of a hex_bignum (number of hex digits).
#define MAX_HEX_DIGITS 2000
// Set this to 1 for HB_test_main() unit test function.
typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef struct
uint8_t digits[MAX_HEX_DIGITS]; // Valid values are zero to fifteen only.
int lastdigit; // Index of highest-order non-zero digit.
} hex_bignum_t;
// Public functions.
// Returns 1 if supplied number is odd, 0 if even.
int HB_is_low_bit_set( hex_bignum_t *n_ptr );
// Converts an integer to a hex_bignum.
// Does nothing if the supplied integer is negative, or if the hex_bignum pointer is NULL.
void HB_int_to_hex_bignum( int i, hex_bignum_t *n_ptr );
// Adds hex big numbers; i.e. c = a + b */
void HB_add( hex_bignum_t *a_ptr, hex_bignum_t *b_ptr, hex_bignum_t *c_ptr );
// Subtracts hex big numbers; i.e. c = a - b.
// If b is >= a, the result is zero! No negatives.
void HB_subtract( hex_bignum_t *a_ptr, hex_bignum_t *b_ptr, hex_bignum_t *c_ptr );
// Multiplies big numbers; i.e. c = a * b.
void HB_multiply( hex_bignum_t *a_ptr, hex_bignum_t *b_ptr, hex_bignum_t *c_ptr );
// Divides big numbers; i.e. c = a / b.
// Truncating integer division.
void HB_divide( hex_bignum_t *a_ptr, hex_bignum_t *b_ptr, hex_bignum_t *c_ptr );
// Compares hex big numbers.
// Returns 1 if (b > a); -1 if (a > b); 0 if equal.
int HB_compare( hex_bignum_t *a_ptr, hex_bignum_t *b_ptr );
// Modulo of hex big numbers; i.e. c = a % b.
// Calculated using : ( a % b ) == ( a - ( b * c ) ),
// where c is ( a / b ).
void HB_modulo( hex_bignum_t *a_ptr, hex_bignum_t *b_ptr, hex_bignum_t *c_ptr );
// Right-shift a hex bignum by one bit.
// n = n >> 1
void HB_rshift( hex_bignum_t *n_ptr );
// Converts a hexadecimal ASCII string to a hex big number.
void HB_hex_string_to_hex_bignum( char *s, hex_bignum_t *n_ptr );
// This function creates a hex-ASCII string in the supplied buffer, giving
// the hex value of the passed hex bignum. Zero is returned on success;
// otherwise the supplied buffer length was insufficient to hold the number,
// or the supplied buffer-pointer was NULL.
int HB_hex_bignum_to_hex_string( hex_bignum_t *n_ptr, uint8_t *buffer, int buffer_len, int *string_len );
// Test Function
// Try setting MAX_HEX_DIGITS to (say) 10, and then run this, to see what
// happens on overflow. In general, values are silently truncated.
void HB_test_main( void );
The C file : //
// Hexadecimal "bignum" functions. Deals solely with unsigned hexadecimal numbers.
// Hacked together by Brian Myers (brian.d.myers@gmail.com)
// See the .h file for more details.
#include "hex_bignum.h"
// Local prototypes.
static void init_hex_bignum( hex_bignum_t *n_ptr );
static void zero_justify( hex_bignum_t *n_ptr );
static int my_max( int a, int b );
static void digit_shift( hex_bignum_t *n_ptr );
static uint8_t a_to_h( char c );
static uint8_t h_to_a( uint8_t h );
static void test_helper( char *s, hex_bignum_t *n_ptr );
// Returns 1 if supplied number is odd, 0 if even.
int HB_is_low_bit_set( hex_bignum_t *n_ptr )
if ( n_ptr->digits[0] & 0x01 )
return 1;
return 0;
// Initialises a hex bignum to zero.
static void init_hex_bignum( hex_bignum_t *n_ptr )
memset( &(n_ptr->digits[0]), 0, MAX_HEX_DIGITS );
n_ptr->lastdigit = 0;
// Converts an integer to a hex_bignum.
// Does nothing if the supplied integer is negative, or if the hex_bignum pointer is NULL.
void HB_int_to_hex_bignum( int i, hex_bignum_t *n_ptr )
int index;
if ( ( i < 0 ) || ( n_ptr == NULL ) )
init_hex_bignum( n_ptr );
if ( i == 0 )
index = 0;
while ( i && ( index < MAX_HEX_DIGITS ) )
n_ptr->digits[index++] = (uint8_t)( i & 0x0F );
i >>= 4;
// Note - we know that the while loop above executed at least once,
// so it is safe to subtract one from 'index' without it going negative.
n_ptr->lastdigit = index - 1;
// Adds hex big numbers; i.e. c = a + b */
void HB_add( hex_bignum_t *a_ptr, hex_bignum_t *b_ptr, hex_bignum_t *c_ptr )
static hex_bignum_t result;
int carry; /* carry digit */
int i; /* counter */
init_hex_bignum( &result );
result.lastdigit = my_max( a_ptr->lastdigit, b_ptr->lastdigit ) + 1;
carry = 0;
for ( i = 0; i <= result.lastdigit; i++ )
result.digits[ i ] = ( carry + a_ptr->digits[ i ] + b_ptr->digits[ i ] ) % 16;
carry = ( carry + a_ptr->digits[ i ] + b_ptr->digits[ i ] ) / 16;
zero_justify( &result );
*c_ptr = result;
// Subtracts hex big numbers; i.e. c = a - b.
// If b is >= a, the result is zero! No negatives.
void HB_subtract( hex_bignum_t *a_ptr, hex_bignum_t *b_ptr, hex_bignum_t *c_ptr )
static hex_bignum_t result;
int borrow;
int v;
int i;
// result = 0;
init_hex_bignum( &result );
// If (b >= a), return (result is zero).
if ( HB_compare( a_ptr, b_ptr ) != -1 )
*c_ptr = result;
result.lastdigit = my_max( a_ptr->lastdigit, b_ptr->lastdigit );
borrow = 0;
for ( i = 0; i <= result.lastdigit; i++ )
v = ( a_ptr->digits[ i ] - borrow - b_ptr->digits[ i ] );
if ( a_ptr->digits[ i ] > 0 )
borrow = 0;
if ( v < 0 )
v = v + 16;
borrow = 1;
result.digits[ i ] = (uint8_t) v % 16;
zero_justify( &result );
*c_ptr = result;
// Removes any leading zeros from a hex bignum.
static void zero_justify( hex_bignum_t *n_ptr )
while ( ( n_ptr->lastdigit > 0 ) && ( n_ptr->digits[ n_ptr->lastdigit ] == 0 ) )
// Returns the greatest of two integers.
static int my_max( int a, int b )
return ( a > b ) ? a : b;
// Multiplies big numbers; i.e. c = a * b.
void HB_multiply( hex_bignum_t *a_ptr, hex_bignum_t *b_ptr, hex_bignum_t *c_ptr )
static hex_bignum_t result;
static hex_bignum_t row;
int i, j;
init_hex_bignum( &result );
row = *a_ptr;
for ( i = 0; i <= b_ptr->lastdigit; i++ )
for ( j = 1; j <= b_ptr->digits[ i ]; j++ )
HB_add( &result, &row, &result );
digit_shift( &row );
zero_justify( &result );
*c_ptr = result;
// Multiplies a hex big number by 16 - effectively 1 hex-digit
// shift to the left, zero-filling.
static void digit_shift( hex_bignum_t *n_ptr )
int i;
if ( ( n_ptr->lastdigit == 0 ) && ( n_ptr->digits[ 0 ] == 0 ) )
for ( i = n_ptr->lastdigit; i >= 0; i-- )
n_ptr->digits[ i + 1 ] = n_ptr->digits[ i ];
n_ptr->digits[ 0 ] = 0;
// Divides big numbers; i.e. c = a / b.
// Truncating integer division.
void HB_divide( hex_bignum_t *a_ptr, hex_bignum_t *b_ptr, hex_bignum_t *c_ptr )
static hex_bignum_t result;
static hex_bignum_t row;
static hex_bignum_t tmp;
int i;
init_hex_bignum( &result );
// Divide-by-zero is a special case, return 0.
if ( ( b_ptr->lastdigit == 0 ) &&
( b_ptr->digits[ 0 ] == 0 ) )
*c_ptr = result;
init_hex_bignum( &row );
init_hex_bignum( &tmp );
result.lastdigit = a_ptr->lastdigit;
for ( i = a_ptr->lastdigit; i >= 0; i-- )
digit_shift( &row );
row.digits[ 0 ] = a_ptr->digits[ i ];
result.digits[ i ] = 0;
while ( HB_compare( &row, b_ptr ) != 1 )
result.digits[ i ]++;
HB_subtract( &row, b_ptr, &tmp );
row = tmp;
zero_justify( &result );
*c_ptr = result;
// Compares hex big numbers.
// Returns 1 if (b > a); -1 if (a > b); 0 if equal.
int HB_compare( hex_bignum_t *a_ptr, hex_bignum_t *b_ptr )
int i;
if ( b_ptr->lastdigit > a_ptr->lastdigit )
return 1;
if ( a_ptr->lastdigit > b_ptr->lastdigit )
return -1;
for ( i = a_ptr->lastdigit; i >= 0; i-- )
if ( a_ptr->digits[ i ] > b_ptr->digits[ i ] )
return -1;
if ( b_ptr->digits[ i ] > a_ptr->digits[ i ] )
return 1;
return 0;
// Modulo of hex big numbers; i.e. c = a % b.
// Calculated using : ( a % b ) == ( a - ( b * c ) ),
// where c is ( a / b ).
void HB_modulo( hex_bignum_t *a_ptr, hex_bignum_t *b_ptr, hex_bignum_t *c_ptr )
static hex_bignum_t temp;
// temp = a / b;
HB_divide( a_ptr, b_ptr, &temp );
// temp = temp * b;
HB_multiply( &temp, b_ptr, &temp );
// c = a - temp
HB_subtract( a_ptr, &temp, c_ptr );
// Right-shift a hex bignum by one bit.
// n = n >> 1
void HB_rshift( hex_bignum_t *n_ptr )
int i;
uint8_t temp;
uint8_t carry;
carry = 0;
for ( i = n_ptr->lastdigit; i >= 0; i-- )
// Get the current value in temp.
temp = n_ptr->digits[ i ];
if ( carry )
// Get the next carry-value.
carry = temp & 0x01;
// Shift, and OR in the previous carry.
// Remember that only the low nibble is valid.
n_ptr->digits[ i ] = ( temp >> 1 ) | 0x08;
// Get the next carry-value.
carry = temp & 0x01;
// Shift, no previous carry.
n_ptr->digits[ i ] = temp >> 1;
zero_justify( n_ptr );
// The final carry value is lost (shifted out).
// Converts a hexadecimal ASCII string to a hex big number.
void HB_hex_string_to_hex_bignum( char *s, hex_bignum_t *n_ptr )
int i;
int length;
init_hex_bignum( n_ptr );
length = strlen( s ) - 1;
if ( length > MAX_HEX_DIGITS )
length = MAX_HEX_DIGITS;
for ( i = length; i >= 0; i-- )
n_ptr->digits[ length - i ] = a_to_h( s[ i ] );
n_ptr->lastdigit = length;
zero_justify( n_ptr );
// Returns the hex value of an ASCII char.
static uint8_t a_to_h( char c )
if ( ( c >= '0' ) && ( c <= '9' ) )
return ( c - '0' );
if ( ( c >= 'A' ) && ( c <= 'F' ) )
return ( c - 'A' + 0x0A );
if ( ( c >= 'a' ) && ( c <= 'f' ) )
return ( c - 'a' + 0x0A );
// Shouldn't get here - not ASCII hex.
return 0;
// Returns the ASCII value of a hex digit (or '!', if invalid hex value).
static uint8_t h_to_a( uint8_t h )
if ( h <= 9 )
return '0' + h;
else if ( h <= 15 )
return 'A' + ( h - 10 );
// Error.
return '!';
// This function creates a hex-ASCII string in the supplied buffer, giving
// the hex value of the passed hex bignum. Zero is returned on success;
// otherwise the supplied buffer length was insufficient to hold the number,
// or the supplied buffer-pointer was NULL.
int HB_hex_bignum_to_hex_string( hex_bignum_t *n_ptr, uint8_t *buffer, int buffer_len, int *string_len )
int i;
// We need one more character than we have digits, for the null-terminator.
if ( ( buffer == NULL ) ||
( n_ptr->lastdigit > ( buffer_len - 1 ) ) )
return 1;
for ( i = n_ptr->lastdigit; i >= 0; i-- )
*buffer++ = h_to_a( n_ptr->digits[ i ] );
*buffer++ = 0;
*string_len = n_ptr->lastdigit + 1;
return 0;
// Test Function
// Try setting MAX_HEX_DIGITS to (say) 10, and then run this, to see what
// happens on overflow. In general, values are silently truncated.
void HB_test_main( void )
char *a = "0123456789ABCDEFfedcba9876543210";
hex_bignum_t n1, n2, n3;
// Create big numbers, from a string variable and from a string.
HB_hex_string_to_hex_bignum( a, &n1 );
HB_hex_string_to_hex_bignum( "000DeadBeefCafe", &n2 );
// Convert back to strings and print. Note a-f ==> A-F
test_helper( "Digits", &n1 );
test_helper( "Steak joint", &n2 );
// Test of the operations.
HB_hex_string_to_hex_bignum( "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111", &n1 );
// Addition.
HB_add( &n1, &n2, &n3 );
test_helper( "All E's", &n3 );
// Subtraction.
HB_subtract( &n2, &n1, &n3 );
HB_subtract( &n3, &n1, &n3 ); // Note - n3 is source & destination.
test_helper( "All B's", &n3 );
// Subtraction that would result in a negative will yield zero.
// This is by design! Not wrapping or doing 2's complement here.
HB_subtract( &n3, &n2, &n3 );
test_helper( "Zero", &n3 );
// Multiplication.
HB_int_to_hex_bignum( 2, &n3 );
HB_multiply( &n3, &n1, &n2 );
test_helper( "All 2's", &n2 );
HB_divide( &n2, &n3, &n2 );
test_helper( "All 1's", &n2 );
// Multiply by zero.
HB_int_to_hex_bignum( 0, &n3 );
HB_multiply( &n1, &n3, &n2 );
test_helper( "Zero", &n2 );
// Divide by zero (defined to return zero).
HB_divide( &n1, &n3, &n2 );
test_helper( "Zero", &n2 );
// Hex 10000 in n2
HB_int_to_hex_bignum( 65536, &n2 );
// All 1's mod 10000 should yield 0x1111.
HB_modulo( &n1, &n2, &n3 );
test_helper( "Four 1's", &n3 );
HB_rshift( &n3 );
test_helper( "Three 8's", &n3 );
HB_rshift( &n3 );
test_helper( "Three 4's", &n3 );
static void test_helper( char *s, hex_bignum_t *n_ptr )
static char big_buffer[1000];
int length;
if ( HB_hex_bignum_to_hex_string( n_ptr, &big_buffer[0], 1000, &length ) == 0 )
printf( "%s:\n%s\n", s, big_buffer );
printf( "Error!\n" );
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Not a problem :-) Thanks for asking; hope it helps.
{Edited to point out that there was a bug in here - see later discussion. I've fixed the bug.} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
static void modexp( hex_bignum_t *a_ptr, hex_bignum_t *b_ptr, hex_bignum_t *n_ptr, hex_bignum_t *result_ptr )
static hex_bignum_t zero;
static hex_bignum_t b;
static hex_bignum_t n;
static hex_bignum_t a;
// Make copies, we don't want to stomp on the passed parameters.
a = *a_ptr;
b = *b_ptr;
n = *n_ptr;
HB_int_to_hex_bignum( 1, result_ptr );
HB_int_to_hex_bignum( 0, &zero );
// Compute pow(a, b) % n using the binary square and multiply method.
while ( HB_compare( &b, &zero ) != 0 )
// For each 1 in b, accumulate result.
if ( HB_is_low_bit_set( &b ) )
// result = (result * a) % n;
// result = ( result * a );
HB_multiply( result_ptr, &a, result_ptr );
// result = result % n
HB_modulo( result_ptr, &n, result_ptr );
// Square a for each bit in b.
// a = (a * a) % n;
// a = a * a;
HB_multiply( &a, &a, &a );
// a = a % n;
HB_modulo( &a, &n, &a );
// Prepare for the next bit in b.
// b = b >> 1;
HB_rshift( &b );
void rsaEncrypt( hex_bignum_t *plaintext_ptr, hex_bignum_t *ciphertext_ptr, rsaKey_t *pubkey_ptr )
modexp( ciphertext_ptr, &(pubkey_ptr->e), &(pubkey_ptr->n), plaintext_ptr );
This post really caught my attention - as I've been dreaming of implementing RSA into my boost killer library for sometime, without depending on openssl or any libs of any kind -
Do you have a final source for your hex bignum code included with the rsa code code ? Thank you by the way
I'm not sure what's on this page is the latest I have, but I'll check and see. I am using it, and the RSA stuff works, but it is painfully slow. Since the public exponent is usually really short, encrypt and decrypt with the public key is usable, but with most private keys, these same functions can literally take hours with 2048-bit keys. Just a heads-up; use OpenSSL if you can, it's hairy but really powerful and fast.
How much faster ? - If it takes possibly hours for 2048 bit keys , how long would it take with openSsl ? ( minutes ? seconds ? ) - Personally I'm interested in getting the most minimal rsa working , regardless of speed, and then work towards optimizing.. while maintaining a minimal framework.. - Although, my first language is 80x86 asm, I want to completely stay away from machine language, and see what is possible with carefully thought out C code.. In any case, I'm very excited by your post - I've literally been looking for something like this for years.. -
{Edited to point out that there was a bug in here - see later discussion. I've fixed the bug.} My bad - I meant to include it. Here 'tis : ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void rsaDecrypt( hex_bignum_t *ciphertext_ptr, hex_bignum_t *plaintext_ptr, rsaKey_t *prikey_ptr )
modexp( plaintext_ptr, &(prikey_ptr->e), &(prikey_ptr->n), ciphertext_ptr );
Thank you for your decrypt, but I think it is not going to work. You need something like:
where, (d * e) % ((p-1)*(q-1)) = 1, p*q = n. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void rsaDecrypt( hex_bignum_t *ciphertext_ptr, hex_bignum_t *plaintext_ptr, rsaSecKey_t *privkey_ptr )
HB_modexp( ciphertext_ptr, &(privkey_ptr->d), &(privkey_ptr->n), plaintext_ptr );
It goes without saying (or maybe it doesn't!) that you must use valid p and q values when calculating your RSA keys. You don't say here what HB_modexp() looks like. Did you simply rename it, perhaps? The reason I didn't name it so in the first place, is because mod_exp() is not a public function. As a 'static', it is meant to be local, and only called from the encrypt/decrypt functions.
Here's some sample data and test code to try running through it - if I've made some mistake, I'd be happy to have it pointed out. // This example is from : http://www.di-mgt.com.au/rsa_alg.html#simpleexample
#define TEST_PUBLIC_KEY_EXP "010001" #define TEST_PUBLIC_KEY_MOD "A9E167983F39D55FF2A093415EA6798985C8355D9A915BFB1D01DA197026170F" \
"BDA522D035856D7A986614415CCFB7B7083B09C991B81969376DF9651E7BD9A9" \
"3324A37F3BBBAF460186363432CB07035952FC858B3104B8CC18081448E64F1C" \
"FB5D60C4E05C1F53D37F53D86901F105F87A70D1BE83C65F38CF1C2CAA6AA7EB" #define TEST_CRYPTOGRAM "0002257F48FD1F1793B7E5E02306F2D3228F5C95ADF5F31566729F132AA12009" \
"E3FC9B2B475CD6944EF191E3F59545E671E474B555799FE3756099F044964038" \
"B16B2148E9A2F9C6F44BB5C52E3C6C8061CF694145FAFDB24402AD1819EACEDF" \
"4A36C6E4D2CD8FC1D62E5A1268F496004E636AF98E40F3ADCFCCB698F4E80B9F" #define TEST_RESULT "3D2AB25B1EB667A40F504CC4D778EC399A899C8790EDECEF062CD739492C9CE5" \
"8B92B9ECF32AF4AAC7A61EAEC346449891F49A722378E008EFF0B0A8DBC6E621" \
"EDC90CEC64CF34C640F5B36C48EE9322808AF8F4A0212B28715C76F3CB99AC7E" \
"609787ADCE055839829E0142C44B676D218111FFE69F9D41424E177CBA3A435B" HB_hex_string_to_hex_bignum( TEST_PUBLIC_KEY_EXP, &(publicKey.e) );
HB_hex_string_to_hex_bignum( TEST_PUBLIC_KEY_MOD, &(publicKey.n) );
HB_int_to_hex_bignum( 0, &privateKey.e );
HB_int_to_hex_bignum( 0, &privateKey.n );
HB_hex_string_to_hex_bignum( TEST_CRYPTOGRAM, &rsaOrig );
rsaDecrypt( &rsaOrig, &rsaDecrypted, &publicKey );
HB_hex_string_to_hex_bignum( TEST_RESULT, &rsaEncrypted );
if ( HB_compare( &rsaEncrypted, &rsaDecrypted ) == 0 )
printf( "Passed!\n" );
printf( "Failed!\n" );
Sorry about the expmod function. As you said, I have just renamed it. This decrypt function works only for data encrypted with the private key (d,n). Thus, it is useful for checking signatures not for decrypting actual data. if you try the code below you will see it will fail: HB_hex_string_to_hex_bignum( TEST_PUBLIC_KEY_EXP, &(publicKey.e) );
HB_hex_string_to_hex_bignum( TEST_PUBLIC_KEY_MOD, &(publicKey.n) );
HB_int_to_hex_bignum( 0, &privateKey.e );
HB_int_to_hex_bignum( 0, &privateKey.n );
HB_hex_string_to_hex_bignum( TEST_RESULT, &rsaOrig );
rsaEncrypt( &rsaOrig, &rsaEncrypted, &publicKey );
rsaDecrypt( &rsaEncrypted, &rsaDecrypted, &publicKey );
if ( HB_compare( &rsaOrig, &rsaDecrypted ) == 0 )
printf( "Passed!\n" );
printf( "Failed!\n" );
If you encrypt data with the public key, you must decrypt it with the private key, not the public key.
Yes, I looked at GMP. Problem with that, is that it's very large, quite complex, and not-so-obvious in how to use it. This tiny amount of C code is easier to incorporate into a small embedded project - but it's probably nowhere near as fast as GMP would be.