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comment by mk
mk  ·  4580 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: U-M Plays Big Role in New Comedy "Answer This"
Cool. Yep, as an A2 resident. I’ll be going. It is always cool to see familiar haunts on screen. I didn’t go to UoM, though, so I’m not one of the maize and blue folk.

Michigan started giving a film industry tax-break a few years ago, and it’s been interesting seeing films being made about town.

I was living in Cambridge when they were filming Good Will Hunting, and I saw them filming in Harvard Square. Matt Damon and Minnie Driver had a burger at this fantastic place called the Brattle that closed soon after. Everytime I see that movie, I think of that burger.

nevets  ·  4580 days ago  ·  link  ·  
I'll be checking Answer This out. I think the "tax-break" has been a good thing for Michigan. Restaurants and retailers in cities like Ann Arbor and Detroit have seen some incremental business they would otherwise not have had. Your Good Will Hunting remembrance made me hungry. -I'm off to get a burger!