I can appreciate your desire to have Hubski be about conversation. My favorite moments on the site come from my interactions with others. That said, there are plenty of posts that I "share" but don't comment on. Sometimes I just don't have anything to add. I'd rather someone not say something than say something just for the sake of it. I will share a post if I enjoyed it and think someone else might too. Something might be extremely interesting and I just don't have anything to say about it. There are lots of posts that get full hub-wheels but have no comments and I think that this makes sense sometimes. edit: I apologize BLOB_CASTLE, I think I may have misunderstood your post/comment. Do you mean that if you are going to take the time to post a link, you should have a description/comment in the "text" field? If that's what you mean, then I tend to agree. Even if you don't have anything to add, I think it's great when people put a snippet from the article in there to get a taste of what I'm in store for. You can often get an idea of the overall feel of an article from just one paragraph.
That isn't necessarily what I meant but I completely agree with that and that's what mk said in another comment. I think a post becomes much more susceptible to discussion when the person posting the link adds their perspective. But I'd like to think that even if someone says something for the sake of it, someone else will have something to say in response and they'll discuss the topic more than if the initial person hadn't said anything at all.
Indeed. I don't think that comments should mandatory by any stretch, but a culture of more discussion would be wonderful! It's one of the reasons I don't share very many posts, despite being on hubski all the time. I just don't comment very often, and as a result I don't share.
I say "share". I follow you and if you think something is interesting it is not unlikely that I will too. I don't think one is tethered to the other (sharing/commenting).
A healthy balanced model I think we can all learn from.
I'm on board. I'm all for commenting. I've never been accused of talking too little. I enjoy a nice conversation and it does often require that first spark.