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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  4896 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What kind of community will we be? Hubski Etiquette?
I think most people are adult enough to recognize that provocative writing can't help but provoke, and that conciliatory behavior can't help but console. Artifex is upset because he made provocative statements that pushed the discussion beyond his ability to defend himself - and, in a pattern that should be anathema to Libertarian thinking, is now asking for external assistance.

The bottom line is Hubski has no down arrows. A "flame war" should end up at the bottom of any discussion with zero points. A useful discussion, on the other hand, will be rewarded. Artifex's original comment had one vote; mine had three. On pure, stupid math alone my diatribe was not viewed as detrimental to the conversation.

The minute you start legislating behavior, you will find that people will actively seek out the loopholes that allow them to behave exactly as they want without running afoul of the rules. Artifex is upset that I used the phrase "STFU & GTFO" while steadfastly refusing to see that invoking Princess Bride is rhetorically identical - yet he doesn't want to negotiate his own way out of the argument.

I can come up with eleventy-seven ways to metaphorically say "STFU & GTFO." They're each equally offensive. You start throttling behavior and what you will do is train inventive people how to be even more offensive without actually saying "STFU & GTFO" (like "I do no think it means what you think it means"). Far better to recognize that if you're going to be provocative, you will provoke others... and if you won't want to provoke others, try being less provocative.

ecib  ·  4894 days ago  ·  link  ·  
>Artifex is upset because he made provocative statements that pushed the discussion beyond his ability to defend himself - and, in a pattern that should be anathema to Libertarian thinking, is now asking for external assistance.

Uh, I think he was just asking for people not to be dicks. My dad and I argue politics all the time at the dinner table, and when he gets his facts wrong or says something idiotic, I don't tell him to "Shut the fuck up." I think you are completely missing his point (trying to miss it?).

Furthermore, it seems that simply having an open discussion with the community about the issue instead of asking Hubski to ban people or implement down arrow so the community could ban people is kind of the epitome of a libertarian response, isn't it? You don't seem very well versed in libertarian solutions to conflict, but hey, that's just how you come across to me, no offense.

kleinbl00  ·  4894 days ago  ·  link  ·  
> I think you are completely missing his point (trying to miss it?).

No, I'm arguing that there are plenty more ways to say "STFU & GTFO" than saying "STFU & GTFO" and among those are quoting the princess bride and mentioning the dreaded imperialism of government.

Just so we're clear - your take on my "rudeness" is the "STFU &GTFO" aspect? Or something else?

dbingham  ·  4894 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Klein, I'm thoroughly sympathetic to your position. I found his original post to be dismissive and obnoxious and I wouldn't have even remotely categorized it under "civil", "respectful" or "intelligent" discussion. But you did kind of cross the line between responding and abusing in your response. And have continued to do so in your discussions since. You two are just kind of trading punches at this point. I thoroughly understand not wanting to just take the punches -- we on the left have been doing that for far too long -- but at this point I think it's a lost cause. Want to be the better man and just step away?
kleinbl00  ·  4893 days ago  ·  link  ·  
At this point we're getting to the useful part: where does Hubski think the border between "responding" and "abusing" is?

People are generally of the opinion that I crossed it. Yet people are also not denying that Artifex's initial post was also on the other side of that line. So the real question is this: who has the obligation to keep abuse out?

artifex  ·  4896 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Artifex is upset because he made provocative statements that pushed the discussion beyond his ability to defend himself - and, in a pattern that should be anathema to Libertarian thinking, is now asking for external assistance.

This is simply false. I can defend my ideas very easily. However, I chose not to engage with kleinbl00 because of his tone, his words, and his utter lack of civility and otherwise antisocial behavior.

Moreover, even if I weren't able to defend my ideas, we have to ask the question of what kind of community are we encouraging when the mentally strong are allowed to verbally bully and attempt to intimidate the weak into submission?

Someone may be wrong, but that, in my opinion, is never a reason to be disrespectful, intolerant, or bigoted.

kleinbl00  ·  4896 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Again. You put forth an argument. I dismantled it. You have since spent 1500 words declaring me to be a meanie. And now apparently I'm "bigoted."

THAT is deserving of an apology.