>If I ever had the chance to answer a question similar to the questions Dawkins and Jillette encountered, I know exactly what I would say: Great points, but do you really think that Mr. O'Reilly would let you get more than two sentences into that little prepared speech?
Definitely not. I state that in the article: I know that Dawkins or Jillette wouldn’t have been given enough time to tell that entire story, but some version of explaining what science has learned about our origins would be far better than saying that scientists are “working on it” or “I don’t know.”
But even if I did manage to give that whole speech... O'Reilly would get me by saying that I have yet to explain the tides...
Relevant: http://www.reddit.com/r/canyouexplainthat Coincidentally, the first subreddit I ever created. Horrible subreddit, excellent experience. It gave me the motivation to create /r/EarthPorn and the rest of the SFWPorn Network.
Haha, you created /r/EarthPorn(?!), I used to love that subreddit!