We should let pandas become extinct. Population control would be a good thing. Charity does more damage than good (In a lot of cases) Junk food should be banned. We are not alive we are just a very complex energy transfer process like the weather we are a force of nature. conciousness if just a result of a highly evolved nervouse system everything we think and do is just a reaction like we react to pain but due to the perceved complexity we feel we are concious beings. Everything was predetermined at the time of the big bang nothing in the universe could be anything other than what it is. Time travel is imposible. Beliving in Aliens is a form of religion. Aliens do not exist. We are the only form of concious life in the universe. The universe is not fine tuned for life.
Time travel into the past may well be impossible. Time travel into the future is commonplace - I'm doing it now, at a rate of one second per second. I'm fairly sure other rates are obtainable.
I just wanted to reach out to tell you what I agree with you about. I'm also for population control. I mean, the global population has DOUBLED in 50 years. I'm also a determinist. Free will is an illusion, albeit a very strong one.