Many people – including many former Jehovah’s Witnesses – think that all you have to do is tell a Witness you’re an apostate and the Witness will magically vanish in a puff of smoke and tears. I have met a few Witnesses who are paranoid enough to simply run away at the words, “I’m an apostate,” but in many cases, it won’t be that simple. Darn it all. In fact, you’re just as likely to get a visit from the elders as you are to run them away for good if you try that one.
This seems so odd to me, I never found them to be all that hard to manage. I had a few witnesses by last week. I opened the door, greeted ect and one of em asked me "If you could ask god one thing, what would it be?" I chuckled and said "Nothing." "Why not?" He asked. With another chuckle and probably a shitty smirk on my face "Because sir, God does not exist, have a nice day." They both changed their body language from regarding me to 'ah well' and I closed the door to no further comment. I do seem to get a visit every six months to a year, but they aren't very pushy. Sometimes we chat for a few minutes sometimes I tell em to buzz off. I did invite them into my house many many years ago. It was all ashtrays, cigarette buts, dirty glasses and empty beer bottles. They were wicked uncomfortable. I told them that mankind's ecological niche was to be the creature that pushed earth life into the stars, and that this wasn't a religious function but a natural biological one. They would prattle on for a bit and I would say "great, but what's really important about men is that we can spread life to other planets. I got them to admit that spreading life to other planets was pretty interesting. They seemed pretty eager to leave after a good half an hour and never came back to that address.
I told them that mankind's ecological niche was to be the creature that pushed earth life into the stars, and that this wasn't a religious function but a natural biological one. They would prattle on for a bit and I would say "great, but what's really important about men is that we can spread life to other planets. I got them to admit that spreading life to other planets was pretty interesting. They seemed pretty eager to leave after a good half an hour and never came back to that address.
Is mankind's desire for expansion and exploration at odds with the tenants of Jehovah? I know nothing of their beliefs but it seems to have put you on the "do not call list".