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comment by kleinbl00

I think where I disagree is in the idea that the water we swim in doesn't impact the way we swim.

You are pretty sure that Clarence Thomas votes exactly the way he votes regardless of whether or not Harlan Crow pays for his kid's private school tuition. Would you feel the same if it were revealed Clarence Thomas goes fishing with George Soros every month? How would you feel about a "fairness doctrine" in which Clarence Thomas were compelled to have lunch every weekend with Antifa and OWS?

The issue is that the idea is laughable - the thought experiment of liberal influence touching such an extremely conservative judge is rejected out of hand because it'll never fucking happen. Thomas' ideological alignment is crystal-clear, and no amount of hanging out at World Central Kitchen will change that. So why, then, do you reject the idea that Thomas cannot be influenced by those he chooses to associate with? Especially considering the massive rightward shift within the Republican Party at the ascent of Donald Trump?