my facial feminization surgery timeline: nov 30 2022: i meet with my transcareprovider and mention i want to have FFS because starting jan 1st 2023 my insurance covers it. she says ok as soon as the year turns you'll have a referral jan 9th: haven't gotten a referral yet. i email tcp and she says sorry the process changed you need to contact another office jan 13: i send an email to that office jan 20: no response from them, i contact my tcp and bitch jan 23: the office gets back to me and says i need a therapy letter feb 6th: i meet with a therapist to get a letter feb 9th: i get the letter and send it to the office march 2: i get a call today saying ok we processed the letter, the earliest appointment we have is JUNE 29TH for an initial consultation, so tag on another 2 or 3 months after that minimum. what a clownshow