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cgod · 883 days ago · link · · parent · post: Declining quality of consumer-grade products – 2009 fridge compressor autopsy
The most reliable refrigerator you can buy is an "apartment" refrigerator. The freezer is on top and the fridge is on the bottom. This is a by the numbers how many failures how many years until failure collection of data. If you get your freezer on the bottom the rate of failure goes up, the failure rate goes higher if it's a side by side freezer fridge. If the it has an ice machine and water dispenser the rate goes up. If it has a clock on it the rate goes up. Until a few years ago you could still buy a fridge that didn't have a computer but I think that is finally a thing of the past. Computerized refrigerators fail more often than non-computerized. I will only ever buy an apartment refrigerator.