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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  790 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Russia attacks Ukraine as Putin vows to ‘demilitarise’ neighbor

Yeah but we suck at statistics and we generally assume people in charge got there by knowing what to do with authority. I certainly do.

Lev Bodorowsky doesn't quite editorialize with his choice of graphs and statistics but he skirts the line? And one of the factoids he dripped out this morning is that Iranian oil could more than make up for a Russian shortfall. And that even before this, most Americans would be fine with that. Meanwhile, it sure looks like China has chosen sides.

The Cold War Golden Oldies move is to fire up the Defense Production Act to cover Chinese shortfalls, mobilize the National Guard and fling troops into Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania ( we deployed F35s and AH64s there two days ago), bail out Turkey in exchange for closing the Bosphorus (they've been NATO members since 1952 and recently sold arms to Ukraine, sign a new nuclear deal with Iran that looks just like the old nuclear deal, crank up the mighty wurlitzer about a new "coalition of the willing" and get Toby Keith to sing about what an asshole Putin is.

I suspect that if you gave every follower of QAnon a choice between InfoWars or Yellow Ribbon stickers, QAnon would cease to exist within two months. The entire militia movement sprung into existence because of a noteworthy lack of foreign enemies; now that K-Tel is reissuing golden oldies we're likely to be back at patriots insisting the government can do no wrong, rather than the other way 'round.

kleinbl00  ·  790 days ago  ·  link  ·