Feels a bit like Twelve Monkeys to me... keep going back to the same time to try and fix something multiple times, with limited success each time. The only issue I see in your dream story that would make it difficult to nail down, is that knowledge of what is going to happen in the future then changes your actions in the past... which changes the future. So when you "go back", you don't know what future you are going to. Which could be the hook, actually, now that I think about it. A time-traveler goes back to fix something, but his knowledge of the future then changes the future he returns to... so he needs to store his time machine in some sort of remote place where war/pestilence/etc can't change the environment he returns to. (Don't want to teleport back to the fifth floor of a building that is no longer there!) And that resilient location for his time machine then lets him go back and forth as much as his addiction desires... until the world is completely messed up from his constant tweaking and messing things up. He winds up in a worse world than he left........