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comment by elizabeth
elizabeth  ·  1013 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: July 28, 2021

Acutely aware today of how unpleasant and incompetent I can be, when I lack a few hours of sleep. Had a horrible nightmare, where I was shopping at the supermarket and didn’t plan ahead so I didn’t take a basket at the entrance. I had my hands full and the tomatoes fell and scattered around me. I felt like an idiot. And have had a crappy day ever since I woke up.

I think it’s partly a stress dream due to a lot of things happening at work, while we’re all (like the 3 employees of the makerspace) leaving to a festival for 4 days tomorrow afternoon. The problem is that I could not possible advance the work anyway, since with events it mostly hinges on other people and volunteers. Plus I still need to shop, pack and wrap up my other 2 work project things. I really hope I can power through this tonight and get up well sleep and ready to rumble tomorrow.