Too funny. They used an Pakistani based proxy server and completely made up addresses.
I'm not actually bothered by the name or disposable credit card part - that stuff is hard to check and there are legitimate reasons to accept any form of payment. The foreign IP and the non-checking of addresses is inexcusable.
I bing'ed around to see if anyone checked Romney's website but couldn't find anything.
You can certainly buy a balance carrying credit (really debit) card and leave a trail, but you can also buy one for cash from the 7-11. I'll let TNG answer the other part, but having setup several e-commerce sites I know that you have a lot of options from the CC company. Finally, as the 'bama campaign is harvesting these names for additional use, they are merely fools if they can't buy a $10K address verification package and slot it in behind their website. -XC
The only thing I'll say to this is that I would be shocked if the same exact outcome wouldn't happen on the Romney side too. This is dumb.
Actually, I just tried the Romney website and it does zip code verification. So you'd at least have to use a real US address. I'm not actually sure how you'd tell if a pre-paid card was physically overseas. -XC PS - Only dumb if basic federal election laws are something to ignore and pay a small fine for violating after-the-fact. Given how Sarb/Ox is used to roast private businesses over minor no-way-you-could-know infractions, I'd like to see the pol's hoisted the same way.
Only dumb because if they wanted to, I guarantee they could pull a similar stunt with the Romney camp. Does this raise valid questions about the entire "ask for forgiveness and not permission" mentality of the election process, sure but that wasn't really their intent.
Well, no, they can't pull a very similar stunt b/c the Romney website is coded correctly. As are, amusingly, both the websites for the NC candidates for Govn'r. I suspect that, in fact, the 'bama website is a bit of an anomaly. Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by incompetence. cough BP Spill cough -XC PS - Of course their intent was to embarrass the Obama campaign and cast aspersions. In a more balanced media world the O-bamites would have gotten a bit burned last election cycle and been cleaner this one. Which is kind of the role of the press, ain't it?
Wouldn't expect them to with a deal of the day like "Acclaimed filmmaker’s remarkable case that Obama’s dad was communist Frank Marshall Davis" and a poll like this:
just puked in my mouth a little after reading the poll.