DHS Says It’s “Working on” a Black Lives Matter Crackdown “Well, this is something that I have talked to [Attorney General William Barr] personally about. I know that they are working on it,” said Wolf, ... OK, so, the leaders of BLM are...? Are we gonna arrest Kaepernick for kneeling? Because he helped start a movement during which some people started rioting and looting, people that may or may not have much of anything to do with the movement? Is it that we feel the need to assure the good folks of White America that Black Americans will be arrested soon? Luckily, it's much easier to go after antifa, where the leaders are...? We have progressed to the point of "I feel comfortable enough in my position of power to threaten mass arrests of anyone associated with an anti-fascist movement". And not doing it quietly, this is like "I can't wait to go on Tucker Carlson tonight and announce how we plan to suppress dissent". LOL, do you really think these people will allow themselves to lose the election?After months of Donald Trump recycling Fox News lines equating those protesting racial injustice to domestic terrorists, the president’s acting Department of Homeland Security secretary appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show on Monday to tease what sounds like the department’s potential mass-arrest plan. Carlson pressed DHS chief Chad Wolf on why “the leaders of antifa and BLM” have not yet been rounded up, suggesting that they should be “arrested and charged with conspiracy under, say, RICO like the heads of Mafia families were.”