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comment by Cumol
Cumol  ·  1349 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: September 2, 2020

Was invited to a burner wedding in Berlin a few weeks ago. It was restricted to 100 guests but apart from that, it was so fun! They booked a half-renovated castle to celebrate and that whole thing was run by the guests (just like a burn). I have my worries that it was not enough battery charge to carry me through the winter, but I take what I get.

I was pushed into doing a "fire show", as in, playing to music, alone, in front of an audience. I was super scared to mess it up, but it turned out super fun.


The next stop was then Hamburg to visit some friends that have two particularly cute Japanese dogs. A Shiba-Inu called Bara and a Shikoku called Totoro! Plus, I got to play the same "show" again. This time with more confidence.

That was fun too: https://streamable.com/27fcg4

After three days of drinking and trying out Kratom for the first time, I head to Bremen to visit another group of friends. I was so exhausted by then that I ended up just partying one night and passing the other.

Now the weather flipped completely and I can smell autumn!