Here's a local story about it that was well reported. Federal Law Enforcement Use Unmarked Vehicles To Grab Protesters Off Portland Streets
The first place this was reported was on Twitter. The coverage from the front lines on Twitter has been fantastic. Almost everything that happens has been live streamed on Periscope or other apps.
The narrative that the authorities are spinning and the reality on the ground are often very divergent. If it weren't for Twitter journalist and people being able to film stuff on their phones this wouldn't be a story right now. I can't tell you how many times I've been watching a peaceful protest in the last month where one or two people throw a water bottle at armored and helmeted police officers, a riot is called and the protesters are gassed, shot with less lethal projectiles and beaten. The cops then pick up every rock, brick and other possible projectile in a two block radius and and said it's the things that were thrown at them.
I think more tear gas has been used in downtown Portland this year than the entire United States for the past five (just a guess but holy shit there has been a lot of gas used).
Here's a video of the Feds shooting a guy with a boom box in the head with a less lethal munition.
Fed snatching
If you want to watch an orgy of police violence and severe graffiti crime it's all right here.