Every "thought movement" wraps themselves in the Stoics for the same reason every government building puts Doric columns on the portico.
Because it's as aesthetically pleasing as it is functional or because our familiarity with its themes offers an air of authority and legitimacy? I dunno. This is news to me. Honestly. I kind of find it hard to see how a philosophy with a core tenant of "think for yourself" can, if taken seriously, be married to "thought movements" or "philosophical trends." Maybe I misunderstand stoicism. Edit: Meditations 5:3 I mean, I don't agree with that whole statement, because I think it leaves room for people to be tempted by their own egos and idle fancies, but it's definitely a call for independence. Maybe I don't understand Stoicism, but maybe others don't as well . . .Judge yourself entitled to any word or action which is in accord with nature, and do not let any subsequent criticism or persuasion talk you out of it. No, if it was a good thing to say or do, do not revoke your entitlement. Those others are guided by their own minds and pursue their own impulses. Do not be distracted by any of this, but continue straight ahead, following your own nature and universal nature: these two have one and the same path.