Going through my phone and clearing out texts, came across this beauty the night before we all went into lockdown here in NZ. Got me feeling kinda strange that lockdown came and went, 2 months flew by. I'm not a hugely patriotic person but that "Kia kaha" at the end did make me a little teary. I've finished The Last of Us Part 2. It's good, the gameplay is excellent as expected. I just found the story to be so fucking dark. I know it's post-apocalyptic and all but damn, it was harrowing. Maybe I'm just getting too old, but I found it difficult to enjoy the game when I was just feeling so bad for every character involved. It was honestly a depressing bloody time.. 9/10.
The lesser used full sentence is - Kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawa. "Be strong, be brave, be steadfast". I'll be the first to admit we have a long ways to go as far as NZ race relations are concerned. Maori make up a ridiculously high percentage of our prison population and life is far more likely to be difficult if you're Maori. But the language is taught in most schools, the culture and history is becoming well known throughout. There's a good amount of care taken to ensure it is involved in a child's life at the very least.