So I'm new here and by way of an introduction I thought I'd share my own blog, "A Tale of Two Cats". Broadly speaking it is probably best described as a webcomic featuring my two cats but I like to think that it has merit for those interested in art and design too. I've only been running the blog for a few months but I really enjoy maintaining it and hopefully some of you will like what you see :)
Hi dubiouspig hubski works in strange ways. Your tale of two cats is posted somewhere, but it doesn't show up in people's feed until they "follow" you or unless it's selected by people who allow random feeds. I found it by clicking your name and seeing that you had two posts, but I didn't see it in my feed or in the main hubski link at the top of the page. Only mk and thenewgreen know how this really works. So they will correct me if I'm wrong. Another thing about hubski - when you post your blog on hubski (as I have been doing), they usually comment here on the hubski comments page rather than on the blog itself. Good luck! I'll watch out for more posts from you.
lil is right. Everyone on Hubski has a personal feed. The posts in your feed are from the people you follow, plus the posts that they share. Your own posts and the ones that you share are in there too. But, as lil mentions, in addition to that, most people opt for some 'external' posts to appear in their feed too, to get exposed to new content. You can toggle the amount of 'external posts' you want to see in your controls. lil shared this post. That's why it's now in her feed, plus it is now in the feeds of the 43 people that follow her. If one of them shares it, it goes to their followers, etc... Posts spread across Hubski this way. Hope that helps!