I embroidered a little beginner project! It's not much, but I'm satisfied with it for a first project. I did a sampler of different stitches, but I've lost that one in the last seven days somehow...Regardless, the leaf exists because I wanted to apply those skills and had NO IDEA what to make.
I'm particularly happy with how I was able to mimic the 'vein' of a leaf using a clever lil stitch I found online:
I'm using aida cloth right now (since it came with the kit) and feel a little dissatisfied with it - it's clearly built for cross-stitching, and the dull needle I got off of Amazon has trouble really puncturing any of the weave except the obvious pinpricks which are useful for cross-stitch. I think my next for-practice project will use some of the scrap fabric I have laying around as rags, and I'll move on to something simple like a bandana after that!
There's different kinds of muslins, in thicknesses and textures, so definitely get them in person so you can choose which ones you like. With the whole thing going on, sadly that might mean you'll have to wait. But if you go to big box stores and get it when it's on sale and with coupons? You can get it for a couple bucks a yard, which is a scream of a deal.