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comment by rthomas6
rthomas6  ·  1498 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: March 11, 2020

> A virus that is perhaps ten times deadlier than the seasonal flu will have more severe symptoms than the seasonal flu.

Not necessarily. If you think of symptom severity as a bell curve, Covid-19's symptom severity bell curve center could be further to the right, but also have fatter tails. There is evidence for this since some people are asymptomatic.

wasoxygen  ·  1498 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Agreed, it's not necessarily true that every person with Covid-19 will suffer more than every person with seasonal flu (many of who might also be asymptomatic). The seasonal flu is already bad enough to be worth avoiding, and the higher risk of fatality, and the risk of communicating to vulnerable people, argue against casually considering this new bug just another kind of flu.