As someone who's been ground to death on this particular issue I would sadly have to agree. One of my former unlicensed "therapists" got me to meditate on a cushion every day. She was heavily into Buddhism and telling me to ask that girl out while collecting enough money to buy the G class and the nice house for her and her husband. Later opened a meditation "studio" in the area, siiiiiigh. This is why we need science education. Myself, I became a full renunciate and got up to nearly an hour a day of mindfulness. I think smoking weed helped me more in the long run.
From watching this video and reading a few Slate Star Codex posts on "enlightenment" and the like, it definitely seems like this is a case of "there's something there but it's much more nuanced than people think." Also, as someone with ADHD, I want to do violence whenever someone tells me I should "stay in the moment."