Ok, I said I'm done, but I will answer your direct question - with my own question. Where did I claim any certain knowlege? You have accused me at least twice of claiming things I don't know - show me where I did that.
I have no reason to believe any higher power exists; I have exactly as much faith in Yahweh as I do in Thor, or Santa. I'd be very surprised to learn that any of those are real. I'd be a bit less surprised to learn that some kind of god-like thing had created the universe - but I still have no reason to think that is so. I hope you don't think I'm trying to avoid the question; just trying to be clear. I suspect you have assumed I am a gnostic atheist (i.e. one who knows that god does not exist). I am an agnostic atheist, as are the majority of atheists, I would guess. I claim no direct knowledge of the existance (or not) of any gods at all.