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comment by kevinhq
kevinhq  ·  2025 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Finally I use Cloudflare - here are why

Hi. Ya. I did use Grammarly so I thought it's taken care of these typos, missing words, and other grammar problems.

Maybe I should look for an alternative or upgrade to the pro. lol

Anyway, thanks for the feedback.

It's an automatic share so I think I will evaluate this automation :)

Devac  ·  2024 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    This can save e lot of resources.

An honest typo.

    If there’s a visitor tried to open your site, CloudFlare will check if it had the cache on their side.

What tense is that? Also, that capital 'F'. If Grammarly doesn't complain, then I'm all the happier for not using it.

Read things out loud, sentence by sentence. Use text to speech program if it seems embarrasing.

kevinhq  ·  2024 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Hell yeah! Grammarly doesn't complain that "e lot". Dang. It looks like the time to look for alternatives.

Yes. I am going to use that text to speech program. MacOS Mojave had it by default, I think.